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LOLOMOTO LOLOMOTO 2021-06-03 17:25:05 About i have a phobia
This happened to me when I was in gr8. I used my dad's phone to enjoy myself and scroll down my timeline in facebook when a sudden picture trigger my whole being. I was crazy yelling and telling the people on our house to removed that picture. I was crying out loud that time and that was the start of my fear. Whenever I see one I always cry amd my body can't help but to scratch my skin because of itchiness. My mind was going blank and I don't even wanna see my skin because I always think that those crazy pictures was on my skin. So after trying to calm down, I will immediately go to the bathroom to wash my whole body even tho I already take a bath. Actually while typing this my other hand is busy scratching my nape.

i have a phobia

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