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The_Clumsy_Child 06 06,2021
Depends on the situation. But it I have to choose it would probably be being mistaken as an older person   reply
06 06,2021
rayha 06 06,2021
older. being mistaken as a younger person means when you're older you'll look better than others your age :D being mistaken as older can have it's advantages in some situations but looking younger is better in the long run.   reply
06 06,2021
06 06,2021
I love being mistaken as an older person (happens often), they treat me with such respect lol. Being seen as a minor when you aren't means you'll be given less freedom. Like when my mom was pregnant with my older sister and went to the hospital for prenatal tests, the doctors thought she was a teen (she was in her 30s) and she HAD TO be accompanied......   reply
06 06,2021
06 06,2021
young person. the amount of times my friends got away with anything bc they look old as fuck even tho I’m the oldest smh   reply
06 06,2021
as a young person. i never thought anyone would think im still young but it happened more than once and its annoying that i have to give them my id for proof. then theyd always give me a wide eye and a "no way" face... like pls. i just want my cigarette pack   reply
06 06,2021
From my experience, being mistaken as a younger person. I have a baby face and am short asf so people would most of the time assume I'm a middle schooler even though I'm supposed to graduate highschool this year And I have a younger sister that's taller than me so when we're meeting new people, they'd assume I'M the younger sister shshajaj   reply
06 06,2021
Younger it was cool at first but now it’s annoying and I’m fucking certain that when I’m in my 40s some cashier bitch at Macy’s or somewhere will STILL mistake me for a middle schooler   reply
06 06,2021
Being mistaken as older is worse. I look a lot younger than my age. But I'm glad because if someone mistakes me for older, then it would hurt my feelings. Cause I'm already insecure.   reply
06 06,2021
06 06,2021
Being mistaken as an older person ig. I love being mistaken as a younger person lol, as long as it’s not because of my height. PANDEMIC WISE - being mistaken as an older person bc younger people can’t go to places as much as older people do. If it ain’t the pandemic I’d rather be mistaken as a younger person lol. One time I accompanied m......   reply
06 06,2021
Scout 06 06,2021
Personally, being mistaken as younger. Let me buy my alcohol in peace. Worst is being mistaken to be under age while being hit on by an older man.. :( it's happened too many times   reply
06 06,2021


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