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Want to break up with my bf

daiteiga daiteiga 2021-07-07 06:46:35 About yall ever just feel sad
hey, so i'm dating someone, but he's so uh... i don't know how to explain.
he always asks for my photo almost every hour. and he always wants to call almost every hour. it makes me uncomfortable, because i still have other activities and he doesn't give me privacy. i want to break up with him, but i feel like a bad person.

even I once told him, calling almost every hour made me uncomfortable. He said he understood and would not do it again. The next day he did it again

Me and my boyfriend have the same hobby, which is watching anime and playing games.
I've taken my time many times to play games with him.
(oh me and my boyfriend are in a LDR )

when my friends came to visit he didn't let me hang up the call. and when I muted the call he forced me to unmute, the reason was because
"I want to hear your voice"
like you have heard my voice many times.

I want to break up but I feel like a bad person


Rencia July 7, 2021 6:53 am

please dont feel like a bad person, because i had the exact same experience. if you feel something for him i think just try to say it really blunt and directly, if you try to say it in a humorous way most of the time they dont get it. or if you just wanna broke up say how you got sick of him clinging to you 7/24, from my experiences theyd probably try to manipulate you but dont let them do it. if you feel like your relationship is wrong, then it is wrong. but its just from my experiences, please just know you are worthy and not a bad person no matter what