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daiteiga's experience (4)

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hey, so i'm dating someone, but he's so uh... i don't know how to explain. he always asks for my photo almost every hour. and he always wants to call almost every hour. it makes me uncomfortable, because i still have other activities and he doesn't give me privacy. i want to break up with him, but i feel like a bad person. even I once told him, ca......   8 reply
07 07,2021
hey, so i'm dating someone, but he's so uh... i don't know how to explain. he always asks for my photo almost every hour. and he always wants to call almost every hour. it makes me uncomfortable, because i still have other activities and he doesn't give me privacy. i want to break up with him, but i feel like a bad person. even I once told him, ca......   6 reply
07 07,2021
hey, so i'm dating someone, but he's so uh... i don't know how to explain. he always asks for my photo almost every hour. and he always wants to call almost every hour. it makes me uncomfortable, because i still have other activities and he doesn't give me privacy. i want to break up with him, but i feel like a bad person. even I once told him, ca......   reply
07 07,2021
hey, so i'm dating someone, but he's so uh... i don't know how to explain. he always asks for my photo almost every hour. and he always wants to call almost every hour. it makes me uncomfortable, because i still have other activities and he doesn't give me privacy. i want to break up with him, but i feel like a bad person. even I once told him, ca......   1 reply
07 07,2021