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bruh 12 07,2021
fiction doesn't equal reality but it's still inspired by reality. fiction cannot exist without reality. fiction affects reality, more specifically, the people who consume it (it's literally the same thing with people being inspired by something nonfiction, except the thing/inspiration is made by the creator's imagination). just because it's not vi......   reply
12 07,2021
I mean to the people who say "fiction is fiction," where exactly do we draw the line? Cuz if people should do whatever they want and read whatever they want just cuz its fictional, why do u disagree with people watching animated cp, incest etc? I mean, isn't it just fictional?? People should do what they want, right?.....exactly this whole "fiction......   1 reply
07 10,2023
porn messes with your head and I think dark elements do influence you and CAN mess you up from little to more extremes. Separating reality from fiction can be hard if anyone becomes too attached to it, for example like actors who took on roles that affect them traumatically till this day or something as small as influencing the way they think. i to......   reply
07 10,2023
I personally think that fiction can affect reality. For example, if a kid is playing super gory video games every day for years, seeing violent movies and shows won't affect them much because they're used to it. They're basically desensitized to it, as they've seen it several times before and now fail to see the severity of it. So like when kids st......   1 reply
11 07,2021
07 10,2023
If I didn't read all of those efd up things while growing up on the Internet I would be totally different mentally, I'd be better mentally in many ways, fiction got me freaky and depressed   reply
07 10,2023

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