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It’s sad but when I was maybe 11 or 12 (13 now) my brothers who are adults by that time sexually harassed me and tried to rape me or so and I got scared but nobody picked me up so i cried and nothing happened after that... and also a friend of mine would make rape jokes to me and about me and touched me on the but in places... I told the school t......   3 reply
08 07,2020
I'm a 19 year-old girl and have never been catcalled, sexually harassed or anything, but now I'm hella scared after reading all the replies. Like I'm always very conscious of the people around me when I am on the bus or out, but if it were to happen to me, my first instinct would be to tell them off or kick/punch them. Is that safe to do though? ......   2 reply
20 01,2020
yes and to be honest, what woman hasn't? Every single one of my girl friends has been AT LEAST sexually harassed and the majority of them have been raped too. (im not saying that only women get raped but the amount of women that face it is shockingly high) i find it so disgusting that some people say "i mean it's just normal now, everyone goes thro......   1 reply
06 04,2020
Men are scared of me because I'm tall, lol. I'm finally starting to accept that women can be tall too and have nothing to be ashamed of. Love her   2 reply
02 12,2023
by my own brother :) i was 10 and he was 13. we were fighting like usual while our parents were away. he was chasing after me and i was crying i don't remember why but he used to bully me a lot so makes sense. we ran around the family bedroom. he caught up to me and pushed himself on top of me. he rubbed his on mine and well i've been disgusted by ......   2 reply
17 01,2021
I am very grateful because I do not have any childhood trauma when it comes to sexual harassment. But i have been raped twice. When i was 15 my boyfriend at the time held me down in my basement and fingered me while my parents were upstairs. I was scared i would be the one to get in trouble so i didn’t say anything. When i was 18 I’d gone o......   2 reply
08 07,2020
when I was in middle school there’s this one guy who told me he has a crush on me and I rejected him he seems to understand and we didn’t rlly talk after that but then the next year we happened to be in the same class and he didn’t have any real friends (he was rlly rich but kinda dumb he always give money to his friends and shit I wish I was......   2 reply
15 03,2020
10 yo boy me was raped by a girl who was 16 I was very much tall for my age and she would show me her pussy and was like you have to show me your penis and I being naiv showed her and eventually I got hard she was like stick it in my ass and I put my penis inside her asshole and she was in pain and told me to put it out and since that day I was ad......   2 reply
02 12,2023
The fact that there are so many people replying with how they experienced it or nearly escaped it is truly terrifying. You guys are badass survivors and I wish you a great life ahead. Also, the people who are joking in this reply section STOP CHASING CLOUT IN AN ILLEGAL SITE AND GO TOUCH SOME GRASS.   reply
24 07,2021
When I was 4 I was being groomed by a girl who was older than me at the time she was probably 10 she would touch, grab, kiss and so on saying we were playing a game at one point I didn't like it anymore and told her that it made me uncomfortable she then raped me. She played it of as a joke and then became my so called friend "friend". Then when I ......   1 reply
04 03,2021

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