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School scandals [Answer]
Static noises 25 07,2023
When I was a freshman during finals in my science class out of the blue... Police enter our class and they grabbed one of the students. They then proceeded to checked his backpack. In his backpack, was a big bag of weed and a gun. The whole class gasp and then went silent. We proceeded to witness him being handcuffed along with being taken away. Ou......   reply
25 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
26 07,2023
I had a tendency to ignore everything in high school. I was very mentally ill ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
26 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
Tulsi pata
25 07,2023
My school is literally the worst. A lots of crazy staff happens but two girls got raped by the school doctor and he gave them medicine so they won't get pregnant. It is rumored that a female teacher helped him AS the girls.Good thing the doctor got fired but there was no evidence against that teacher.A girl was also beaten by some guys in our schoo......   2 reply
25 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
25 07,2023
My middle school class was terrible. We got a new teacher and she was small, slim, and soft-spoken, as a result, our class would bully her. between talking back and not even listening in her classes. we even went so far as to push her once. She broke down crying and we got reprimanded by the principal, but that didn't stop us, so I think she quit s......   reply
25 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
25 07,2023
well i go to the same school district as my father did when he was younger so i get a lot of stories from him there was a kid that brought a gun to school *just* to shoot his bully and then sat outside to wait for the cops to come there's a teacher who i had for social studies/history that apparently married a student from my dad's year as soon as ......   reply
25 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
25 07,2023
This is more friend group-ish drama but there was this girl who transferred 2nd term and she did volleyball and cheer and she got popular fast and became part of our friend group but would always brag about how many friend groups she’s in Anyway one day she says dyke (she’s bi ) so I’m like wtf and confront her about it THEN SHE CALLS ME A D......   reply
25 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
25 07,2023
mf pedophile drafting teacher my bestfriend is one of his victims dude is so into pretty teenage girls and he keeps harassing them one time he pulled the bra strap of my bff like wtffff dude. He's still on duty in school tho cuz none of em girls filed a complaint abt him lucky bastard   reply
25 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
25 07,2023
when school first started we had fights literally everyday to the point where they had to ban a lot of locations during certain times n this english teacher i hated turned out to be a pedo that had relationships with mostly seniors that were abt to graduate but no one rlly knew abt it till she went for a freshman. As a student u dont rlly think muc......   reply
25 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
25 07,2023
Two kids in my old middle school, maybe in 6th or 7th grade, were caught having sex in the bathrooms right before Christmas break.   reply
25 07,2023
School scandals [Answer]
25 07,2023
In high school the PE teacher was caught having sex with a student in the girls locker room. In elementary(not sure u call it that, grades 1-8) two girls were caught fingering each other by a teacher in the girl bathroom. They were about 12 if I remember correctly. Also the history teacher at the same school turned out to be a pedo, he slept with a......   reply
25 07,2023

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