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idk man i guess the most craziest thing happened to me during this month i guess a dude sending me picture of his cock covered in peanut butter or idk maybe he stole it from the web but anyways it was shocking...   4 reply
28 09,2023
My paternal aunt cheated on her husband with my maternal uncle   2 reply
28 09,2023
nah, go get a life   2 reply
28 09,2023
29 09,2023
R y’all niggas living in Gotham city, what the hell   1 reply
29 09,2023
My parents are cousins. (3rd but still ) I also have a grand uncle who was rich and involved with "narcos" and then dissapeared one day mysteriously.   reply
28 09,2023
In high school a girl snuck up behind me and screamed in my ear, and I sort of did a quick turn, accidentally hitting her and giving her a black eye. Then people went around saying I beat her up   2 reply
29 09,2023
I found out I have a missing gay uncle called Bjorn   reply
29 09,2023
I got slut shamed by my colleagues for having a normal conversation with someone and my guy friend ended our friendship and kinda insinuated that i deserved it   2 reply
28 09,2023
I started teaching full-time at a new (new to me, not actually new as a place) university and the amount of cheating the faculty does on their spouses is insane. At this point it's easier to count how many people AREN'T cheating than how many people are.   2 reply
29 09,2023
3 of my cousin are currently in prison for killing someone   reply
29 09,2023


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