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5 lol   2 reply
01 01,2024
my most liked and most disliked and a recent one that was disliked the most too, idk why 6 people is too much   1 reply
01 01,2024
i think this one. (old user AND my highest liked lmao) icl i don’t even remember the story no more or what chapter i commented after but i don’t think i was WRONG ☠️ started a whole discourse LMAOO link for anyone’s that’s curious   1 reply
01 01,2024
Half of my comments are intentionally rage bait because I like arguing online these two were the most unpopular and both of them started arguments it was rlly funny I had a good time Some more that aren't as bad but yk this one actually wasn't rage bait I genuinely just really like Habibi and really dislike everyone elseI only leave hate comments......   5 reply
02 01,2024
i didnt even realise it was this high   1 reply
02 01,2024
A complaint I had when I was 13, I still don’t get how anyone could disagree ☠️   3 reply
02 01,2024
I feel like I've answered something similar before, but: I said what I said and I stand by it.   2 reply
01 01,2024
Idk the highest because I commented under a lot of stories but one I saw with a lot of dislikes was me NICELY saying Sayonara Alpha is kind of weird and a shota. That was one of my first comments from a long time ago so I don’t know if y’all will still attack me about this.   4 reply
02 01,2024
Everybody loves me and I'm based asf. Most dislikes was five, no regerts   1 reply
02 01,2024
sry I don't like SA   1 reply
04 01,2024


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