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Tweedle dumb 18 04,2024
Im gonna sound ignorant but honestly I didn't know that one of the reason people bully is cus of a name???like how fcking bored can u be to bully someone just bcs of their name   reply
18 04,2024
emo cow goes moo 19 04,2024
Idk either, my literal name is elegance and only a few ppl told me it's weird. My parents named me that because they thought I looked soft and elegant like an angel when I was born, and honestly I love my name, even if I didn't stay truthful to it later on (I was pretty awkward, clumsy and messy so the unwanted attention I got was mainly due to me......   1 reply
19 04,2024
18 04,2024
your feelings are valid   reply
18 04,2024
19 04,2024
a parent naming their kid something like carrot or sparkle (these are actual names) and a parent naming their kid Lkhagvasüren which is a Mongolian name for great healer is not the same thing. The English name is treated as ridiculous because it's a name for an object and in American culture it's considered ridiculous for a human being to be named......   1 reply
19 04,2024
Mustard123 19 04,2024
If you name your toddler something like medium fries (spaceholder name) spelled mydeum fryes then you better believe kids will make fun of it and if it's a cultural name that sound funny kids also will make fun of that too, because they are kids. The difference is you can explain to a kid why they should respect other cultures, whereas you can't do......   1 reply
19 04,2024
Big tiddy goth gf 18 04,2024
i think theres a diff between someone naming their child some weird shit just so their child is more special or whatever, and someone naming their child a cultural name. like realistically ur name (or mine for that matter) arent just weird for the sake of being weird, its just not common in the west. plus think about it, if a child with a cultura......   reply
18 04,2024
Just Confused
19 04,2024
names like idk Priya. it holds meaning, its an actual name, and its fairly common in the places its used by the people its used. then you have Moon-Unit. it holds no meaning, it doesnt makes sense, and no one will take the kid seriously in the place the child is born. then you have her sister. DIVA THIN MUFFIN. these two children are adults. al......   reply
19 04,2024


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