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Practice Cold War exam qs if ur doing edexecel exam board it definitely strays away from the other papers and definitely the hardest, know your Khrushchevs and kenndys!!! . I know you’re struggling with lang and lit so I’d advise you to use a structure especially with lang paper 2 and memorise language/structural techniques since it’s all abo......   1 reply
30 04,2024
I cant help you much since i did CIE and not Edexcel or aqa but since its alr may, the exams have already started and all i can tell you is to do a lot of past papers, especially from recent years cuz i promise you the questions will try to confuse you as much as possible, especially in the sciences but its actually so easy once you understand. So......   1 reply
01 05,2024
01 05,2024
try out this Youtuber's videos they're very helpful (especially about active recall and space repetition) personally I'd say they poromedoro technique but make it suitable to your attention span. personally study with me videos on YouTube are a life saver. AL......   1 reply
01 05,2024
Sumer 30 04,2024
For memorization subjects, history etc: Make flow charts of the chapters. Flow charts and mind maps summarizing the whole chapters with basically what key point is in each topic. Idk if u have written exam, but if yes, then make sure you correctly use format for answers. Sometimes even if you know the answer, but write like a mess, u won't get mar......   1 reply
30 04,2024
30 04,2024
Watch a vid about your history and write down some key words; if you can, read a summary about the history or have a friend who knows it and ask for a storytime (that usually helped me)   1 reply
30 04,2024
When I had my history exam on prohibition and Al Capone I read key points, names and dates then I walked around my house repeating them out loud to myself, I did not forget a thing. For that exam I got 92% I was surprised but really proud. Good luck!! I think it's still possible for you if you grind and focus on the important things and memorise! A......   1 reply
30 04,2024
ok so i'm so sorry for not giving any advice bc i've been cheating my way up too. so this is the question "HOW DO I STOP MY CHEATING ADDICTION?" like it's fine for now at least i haven't gotten caught yet but what will i do when i get to the big exams   1 reply
01 05,2024
Muffin 01 05,2024
Spam revise im in a really similar situation as you and I'm just studying all day and doing past papers and I know sm more than I did last week Esp past papers they really help And free science lessons guy Do deep study of like 1-2 subjects a day Ik you're stressed and panicked but having a calmer mind makes revision sm easier so try not to stress ......   1 reply
01 05,2024
English: how does one study for english, you just bullshit-??? Remember the books though. idk how your english exams work, but we do literature analysis so it is literally just, think about some central theme in the book and just talk about it. Math: Past papers, if it's around mid-may, like in two weeks, I'd say you'd have a fair shot tbh if you......   1 reply
01 05,2024

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