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it was a yuri on ice dj I SWEAR TO GOD I WAS DECEASED I HAD TO CHECK 273626 TIMES TO SEE IF IM REALLY SEEING RIGHT my jaw literally dropped while reading that later on i laughed my ass off HOW DO PEOPLE COME UP WITH THAT⚰ ALL I WANTED WAS A CUTE VICTOR X YURI DJ   2 reply
15 06,2020
I just started Three Men, One Chinchilla and it felt like I was having a fever dream. I loved every minute of it.   2 reply
14 06,2020
The weirdest thing I’ve read has to be Public Sex. Everyone was insane. Every time you thought it couldn’t get more fucked up, it got more fucked up. Towards the end of the first page of ch. 9-11 took me probably a good 5-10 minutes to recover from, it caught me that off guard. I still liked the story a lot, though.   2 reply
14 06,2020
'Grandson loves his Grandfather too much' I was laughing my ass off and being crept out at the same time. Title is pretty self-explanatory, a Jojo fucks another Jojo.   reply
16 06,2020
For me it's Feeding Lamb. It's just I can't explain what I felt when I first encountered it but I'm curious what's the fuss about it so yeah   reply
14 06,2020 There's 2 chapters with 2 different stories - one about nipples, the second one's about Trucks & Buss's needing repairs, retiring, getting good fuel economy & having sex with each other. Yes, you read that right its BUSS SEX not sex on a buss. Oh - if you wanna laugh tho, def read the sto......   1 reply
14 06,2020
It's a manga that you can't find anywhere else, it's called Tusk AU Omegaverse or sum shit. But it's about a omega man getting pregnant by cheating on his husband. The art is just a bonus for the weird plot.   1 reply
15 06,2020

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