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Current? Oh god,. Byakuya togami.... D ~ Urah   reply
13 11,2023
I don't know who my first fictional love was but I will always love Chuuya   1 reply
13 11,2023
oh for fuck sake i don't wanna say it... but the yellow bird from rio after that applejack.. then rainwhispers from owl house, ya see i don't really simp easily do all my life that's the only cruh i made lol   reply
13 10,2023
Starfire from Teen Titans Go I think. I can't really remember because before that I hated the idea of love and was actively repulsed bit. Even almost cut off my best friend at 10ish because I heard he had a crush on me. I still hate the idea of being in a relationship so I stick to mild crushes on fictional characters. But yeah, starfire had me in......   1 reply
13 10,2023
Lan Wangji from MDZS is my first and only   reply
13 10,2023
Balthier and Fran from FFXII he was the original hero of this game but the square boss didn't want a thief as a hero and put the poor boy Van instead. they were so charismatic and cool.   reply
13 10,2023
So the first crush I can remember is Thomas from Pocahontas. Looking back, he set off a type I never realized until much later, lol. I'm rewatching Once Upon a Time right now, so my current crush is Captain Hook, though since it's a rewatch, I don't know if it counts, but I will anyway.   reply
13 10,2023
Tarzan, disney! 90s kids where u at?   1 reply
13 10,2023

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