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Ninjabunge's question (7)

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about question
So I follow a couple of anime hashtags on insta and I keep on getting these naked fan arts, hentai and so on of anime characters eg. Naked fan art of Nobara from jjk and half of the people in the comments are like don't post such shit but the other half are like dem tiddes and such stuff. So what do you think about this ? I don't like that stuff because I feel like there's no respect for the characters,ever though they are fictional I still feel it's wrong it makes me feel uneasy. Idk what to do about it. What do y'all think about such stuff ?
28 05,2021

Ok since I have yall's attention now.
What y'all think about this China vs Russia vs US army recruitment ad?
28 06,2021
about question
So my friend came over the other day and we were just reading mangas and all and I caught a glimpse of them reading shota like they were scrolling up and I saw the "shota" tag so idk what to do
Is my friend a pedo? Should I talk to my friend about it? Should I cut them off? I looked it up on Google "people who read shota" and well,the results were shit so I decided to ask over here
30 05,2021
about question
Ok so as the title suggests, exit if stuff like this triggers you.

Now, what I want is a painless method to commit suimside. First off, let me make this clear, I'm not doing this for attention, I don't want you to pity me, there's nothing sad about my life, ion want ANYONE being like "omgg noo don't do it blah blah blah" mostly what I'm expecting is people just shitting on me for this.
I'm not gonna dive down to the reasons I wanna do this, but I can tell y'all a Lil something..
I have no ambition in my life, nothing is fun, I wanna escape, everything I used to care about seems like nothing to me, I wanna do nothing all day, just lay in bed and scroll through my phone, I don't wanna study, I don't wanna get a degree, I don't even care about good grades or anything. I am tired and I don't wanna do this anymore..
I think I might be depressed, but don't wanna say that I am because I haven't gone to a psychiatrist or whatever but I do show symptoms of it
I stay in my house all day in my dark room
Activities that used to seem fun to me,I don't care about
I sleep for 14 hrs each day
I get very irritated easily
Thoughts of hopeless and negativity plague my mind every single day.
And that's just about it. I'm not asking for a friend, I have plenty of those..I'm not asking for love, I'm not asking for sympathy,I'm just asking for some painless suimside methods,cause I wanna die, but painlessly ofc
27 11,2023
Give me yall's Google classroom code for your least favourite subject rn
26 06,2021
27 06,2021
Give me your @ or if there's a group add me
27 06,2021
So I'm trying to make stickers to use on whatsaap and I need pictures.for example Nicki Minaj's face or ya know some kind of meme
04 02,2021