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¯_(ツ)_/¯'s answer page 4 (317)

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To the people on this site: You're worth it and special. You deserve to be happy ♡   reply
21 09,2020
Mint chocolate icecream   1 reply
18 09,2020
Hak from Yona of the Dawn   reply
25 09,2020
about halloween
When some people on this website don't know how to use this:   2 reply
04 10,2020
So much school work   1 reply
13 10,2020
Lock screen:   1 reply
03 08,2020
about question
who can resist dat smolder   reply
24 07,2023
My cousin walked in on me buck naked, I regret not double checking if I've locked that door to not We made eye contact for 5 seconds then he slowly closed the door whispering "sorry" as he left   reply
30 09,2020
There are quite a few • some boys burnt the school garbage can • some boys threw a firecracker inside the boys restroom toilets • kids smoking in the restrooms • claiming they brought a gun to school • sending an email to the vice principal saying how much of a terrible person they are • Lots of fights between students who are in d......   reply
25 07,2020
Probably nothing, but there are over 4 thousand religions and many theories so at least one of them could be right, right?   reply
21 09,2020
I'm a catholic and a reader at my church, and I 100% support same sex marriage, even though my church and religion does not support that. I just think that love is love there is nothing wrong with loving a person that is the same sex as you. All love is beautiful (but there are exceptions).   reply
16 07,2020
Reading my old text messages   reply
09 08,2020
8 maybe 10? But even if I sleep that long I'm still tired   reply
23 09,2020
07 10,2020
Are you actually gonna say it or is it about sex in car. Cause I agree mahn why have sex in your car? The smell is gonna stay on those leather or cotton seats- And the lack of space that's there   reply
07 10,2020
Meh close enough.   1 reply
10 01,2021
about question
I'm pretty okay with it to be honest lol. I'm happy with my looks since i got it from my parents lol (i love you mom and dad you guys are beautiful people hahaha), I'm surrounded with a decent amount of firends and i get along with people well. It is pretty well known that were judged based on our looks first and our personality last, its probably......   reply
13 07,2020