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Inferno's answer page 2 (224)

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about question
14 05,2021
Pls I read this without incognito mode I hate it here   reply
14 05,2021
Bestie, why we bullying middle schoolers?   reply
10 04,2021
How the fuck can my ass handle giant shits but no anal?   1 reply
06 04,2021
Jackalope jackalope jackalope J A CK AL O PE   reply
26 02,2021
about being gay
Maybe don't talk about about your brother's sexuality, assume positions in bed, and think you're entitled to date some handsome guy. Like I'm sorry he didn't like you but this ain't it sis.   reply
21 01,2021
22 04,2021
Ara ara~ you're being such a sussy baka   reply
22 04,2021
I refuse to believe you're human with human emotions.   reply
20 01,2021
about question
Saying "bestie I'm not reading all that" on an extremely important question (such as rant, story, etc.) is not funny, it's disrespectful. Horny questions aren't funny. (Before you get on my case mine was poking a joke at the question because of how sick I am of them) They can be genuinely disgusting sometimes. Just because someone has a differen......   reply
01 05,2021
Lmao imagine it being actually being legal to marry your lover in your country   2 reply
13 01,2021
22 01,2021
Shit I didn't hide the body thoroughly enough   1 reply
25 05,2021
24 01,2021
I have cringed to the back of my desk chair reading all that, time to pay attention in school.   reply
24 01,2021
You're not consuming directly illegal content, you're using an illegal website. Now I'm not fairly good with the law, because copyright and piracy is a little murky, but unless you are uploading the content and or claiming the content you're not doing anything illegal or something worth a fine for. Lezhin is just being a little pissbaby because not......   1 reply
29 05,2021
These people back in 2017 are a different kind of breed   reply
10 05,2021
about question
Fuck straight people. Fuck straight people. Istg if they make another sexuality to try and squeeze in here I am going to fucking leave this world. They've made us miserable for thousands of years because of some shitty man in the sky. They make young girls hypersexualise themselves because they feel the need to try and "fit in" They fucking fetish......   5 reply
25 05,2021
about question
I didn't mean to scare y'all, no they are not dead they were shadow banned, my apologies if I scared anyone, I didn't mean to clickbait you all, I just have a wack sense of humour, I would change the title if I could   reply
06 05,2021
I dunno, depends on the person ig? Is the plot good or not? Are you just reading it cause hot, sexy, man? I don't fucking know just be respectful, I literally don't care as long as it doesn't effect your moral system to the point you cannot distinguish fiction from reality, and right from wrong. Eyes on your own book.   reply
16 01,2021
Y'all over here pissing on the straights meanwhile I almost got mugged with a baseball bat the other day because I'm not allowed to love apparently. If you're going to blame ANYONE; blame the mfing government and the non-existent social hierarchy people think they live under. Not the straights. Why don't you actually help the people who are still o......   reply
17 01,2021
I basically made myself, now all I have to do is be this hot irl and be biologically male   reply
10 05,2021