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Aniyae's question page 2 (223)

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I feel like cringing today
30 05,2021
Do you have a fever dream childhood show? Like a show you used to watch religiously until you forgot about it then you remember it again like ten years later? Like does anyone remember The Electric Company reboot? That was my shit.
10 02,2024
08 07,2021
about question

I got "Save the villain" and lowkey that is kinda what I would do if the rewards are there ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
16 days
Question though, you could destroy Valentines Day. But if you do so, every couple that had plans for today would know it's you and would be very angry. Would you do it?
14 02,2024
Do you like getting a rigid day-by-day schedule for things, or just getting a date and you'll complete the tasks on your own time?

As much as I like just having a deadline and being able to have the freedom to make my own decisions, I probably need the schedule more because I'm an exceptional procrastinator. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
25 01,2024
I was with my family at the mall and my brother was holding the table and chairs down while I went to get my food. I came back and just as I was about to grab the chair and sit down some other lady swiped it from me (I don't think she saw me). I'm conflict/confrontation avoidant as hell so just said 'welp' and got myself another chair that was like a couple feet away.

And so, I'm curious what would y'all do if that happened to you?
24 02,2024
Bonus: Try to decipher my taste

Warning: do not bully my husbandos. You will suffer consequences.
14 07,2021
What's kink or fetish that you aren't proud to have and/or is considered taboo?
30 06,2021
about writing
What have you been writing lately? Currently I have over 230+ pages of origin story for my OC that I've been obsessed with.
26 07,2023
Aniyae 28 07,2023
Give me a person and I'll reply whether I'd smash or pass. You could participate in it too.
28 07,2023
about crying
gimmie some pure cute shit with fluff. i don't care if there's romance in it I just need to clear my mind from the s h i t I just read. Hurry up!
14 05,2021
Aniyae 23 07,2021
If mangago was a social media app than a pirate site
23 07,2021
What were/are your dreams you've had since you were young? What do you wish for whether it would be for yourself or others?

If there's anything that's consistent about me is that I always wanted to create something beautiful.
30 03,2024
If you were a ninja what would you be like? And who would you stalk?
09 09,2023
Fr tho I can’t wait to play danganronpa on the switch I’ve been waiting ages to play Idc if the fandom is shit. What hyped you up in the new direct?
15 06,2021
I'm kinda exempt from this because I haven't blocked anyone but if I did, I would need to have at least 500$ on hand.
26 01,2024
about lmao
You take the job at chipotle and your 6th, and 1st picture are your coworkers with your 9th picture being the manager. What's the workplace drama like?
19 08,2023
about lmao
I won't lie, I'm a chronic Genshin Player and I hate the game more than anything, but sometimes the stories in Genshin really do hit in the right places. Wrizzly's Story Quest being a good example. ( ̄∇ ̄")
17 01,2024
I was looking forward to read some :(
27 01,2024