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Aniyae's answer page 2 (730)

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about question
I'm seeing tiktoks about the Calvin Klein ad and Jeremy and I'm like astonished that people find this guy attractive some how.   7 reply
11 01,2024
about question
The bitch slap. Whenever there's a character that fucked up big time and another character delivers them a crisp backhand, NO WORDS, *chefs kiss*. A character revealing how they fooled all the other characters through a monologue (or similarly a detective describing who and how dunnit). Yes, it's lazy as hell, but I love the feeling of it all dawn......   1 reply
31 03,2024
about periods
Aniyae 07 09,2020
.   reply
07 09,2020
about question
I love manipulative, cold and calculated, revenge seeking characters In IRL i'd actually avoid them like the plague.   reply
25 02,2024
That's not a mystery considering your history.   reply
09 07,2021
Bakugo. There I said it.   2 reply
22 02,2021
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The fact that Kendric released a SECOND ONE before drake could even respond....Drake would need life support at this point.   2 reply
27 days
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as a black person living in the US, this is my opinion. Do white people suffer from the systematic racism that was built in America? No. Racism against minorities has been more prevalent and deadly and still has lasting effects today. But I believe that there are different types of racism, and white people can experience hatred, mocking, and stereo......   1 reply
15 06,2021
Aniyae 11 08,2020
At this point we're getting trolled   reply
11 08,2020
about question
Aniyae 19 03,2024
The way I loved my cousin because it was us against the world until I realized I was trans and now I can never be as close to her because she doesn't like trans people. She doesn't know (thank goodness) but it's never going to be the same as it was.   2 reply
19 03,2024
I hate blatant mischaracterization of characters that I love. It takes me out of the fantasy and now I have this voice in my head that tells me, (they wouldn't do that!). Like if you want to make them a specific type then put a tag infront like (Aggressive Hong Lu) or something   reply
22 01,2024
I did way too many yandere roleplays to know where this is going... But seriously be careful, I would let him know that that's creepy. If he understands and backs off then that's good but if he doesn't then you got a problem on your hands.   1 reply
12 03,2021
Aniyae 17 06,2021
i mean you asked for it-   1 reply
17 06,2021
about question
Wait so there's gonna be a war on here? I might have to write about this.   reply
13 07,2021
It shouldn't bother you if someone's playstyle is different from yours. Everyone shouldn't like the same characters. If someone likes a character you dislike. It's not a problem. If someone dislikes a character you like. It's not a problem. Waifu/Husbando > Meta I didn't mind 1.3 I love genshin's lore and story. Childe is overrated Azhd......   2 reply
11 07,2021
I usually do it just to see what type user they are. No more than just a peak though because I don't really remember anything.   1 reply
24 02,2024
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Aniyae 25 03,2024
I missed the topics more than the forums. Like fine maybe we did need to shut up back then but let me say random shit on the manga I've read please.   reply
25 03,2024
Aniyae 22 02,2024
I'm sorry to say this, but you're going in the mangago history books for this i'm afraid.   2 reply
22 02,2024
about question
Don't die before him.   reply
27 07,2023
about question
Charismatic or just intriguing male leads. Ones that have more to them than just "uke" and "seme". Sure he's a top but does he have a personality?   2 reply
29 03,2024