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bOnK's experience (3)

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24 08,2020
So I went to a friend's house to work on a group project and I saw their Golden Retriever (I am so fond of animals so ye I was excited to pet that cuddly giant creature) and when I came to pet the dog, it started chasing me (the house was spacious, kinda hope mine was too lol) so I ran until I reached the corner of the house. I thought he (the do......   reply
24 08,2020
I went to an exclusive all-girls school and had a classmate on high school who I just didnt understand well. I was doing my best to keep up with her attitude because she had those unexpected episodes (I mean her mood swings) to being so buddy-buddy with me until minutes later she'll push me away, like bruh I dont know whats going on but please be ......   1 reply
25 08,2020
11 09,2020
In highschool, I stumbled upon a group of teachers (all of em were English and Literature Subject Teachers) and they were watching an anime movie together kskkkksks One of them saw me peeking and they paused the movie, I was shooked so I dashed away (≧∀≦)   reply
11 09,2020