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alicentswife's answer page 6 (114)

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should’ve been deleted   6 reply
17 03,2021
like only purposely then that’s weird but some smuts have plots i think   reply
30 06,2021
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alicentswife 24 06,2021
happened to me all the time when i was depressed   reply
24 06,2021
same. like i’d rather be a mistress of a emperor than a slave   reply
06 05,2021
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but i like being a bitch   reply
15 06,2021
i thought yaoi meant hentai and at the time i had a hentai addiction so i went on this site but all i found was gay. so i decided to just read one and then i got an addiction to yaoi so i decided to stay. Then i found out it’s fetishizing to have an addiction to yaoi so I just took a break from it and explored other genres. now i just read whatev......   reply
30 12,2020
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i feel like this is fake   reply
01 06,2021
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alicentswife 19 07,2023
hathorswife tbh i was what in seventh grade arguing with adults ???? i don’t regret most of my arguments though a lot of horrible people on this site   reply
19 07,2023
we might be the same age but i’d still raise her   reply
11 02,2021
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alicentswife 19 07,2023
i knew it hes always looking at me when i talk to my friends like he straight up turns around to look at me and i can see him from my peripheral vision and hes just randomly staring at me when i turn to look at my friend since she sits right behind him. he also knows my name when like no boys in my class do but the thing is i only like white men an......   reply
19 07,2023
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alicentswife 23 06,2021
7:41 am   reply
23 06,2021