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juhi simp's answer page 1 (376)

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girl i do support them like ive spent so much fucking money on lezhin and tappytoon, not to mention HOURS of surveys for tapas, with almost all my birthday and christmas shit. sexy shawty bae i appreciate your try but when you still have manga in your reading lists its not a good look. if someones making a scanlation because there's no official tra......   1 reply
18 01,2021
juhi simp 23 01,2021
100% because of tiktok. like im not even fucking joking, the problematic beefing normies got to bl and decided to be a pos. 1) a lot of people on here are genuinely too sensitive, which is probably due to the 14 n under users on mangago. 2) talk too damn much. like fuck, sometimes its okay to run around and see the sun? everything was good until ma......   1 reply
23 01,2021
so like... yall virgins or no   1 reply
23 01,2021
we are absolutely in love with oil and bombing the middle east   2 reply
18 02,2021
not knowing how to enter a conversation and then regretting nearly everything you said an hour after the convo's over. so like shit, basically.   1 reply
02 05,2021
um lets NOT do the "don't mind dating cute gay guys/ bi guys." if you're solely attracted to someone because of their sexuality, that's um. odd and i think you should take a break from reading bl. sounds like you're bisexual, but more sexually leaning towards men. but if it's the fact that the men are gay that you're attracted to, what the fuck get......   reply
28 05,2021
about question
i hope you consider being a comedian in the future because youre goofy as fuck bitch   1 reply
08 02,2021
juhi simp 17 01,2021
joe bidens ass is so fucking flat and as much as i hate trump, hes got a a big dumpy in the back   3 reply
17 01,2021
girl im an athiest but i'm praying to my lord and savior cain to get you through the whooping youre about to get   2 reply
14 09,2020
holding in your pee for so long then trying to go and nothing comes out   1 reply
19 01,2021
this is so fucking good im so proud of my writing capabilities   reply
26 01,2021
let me flex too. i got an abortion   7 reply
27 01,2021
"omg but they're so cuteee" nah. fuck you next time i see a spider, that bitch is getting annihilated.   reply
30 01,2021
i couldnt resist making lesbians   reply
16 02,2021
yaoi is most definitely not a good rep for us. girl we already get yelled at for breathing i would rather not have a "cumming into his pubic bone" as a rep for the gay community   reply
27 10,2020
nah but those pornhub milf and granny ads gonna make me burst   4 reply
30 01,2021
everyone please touch grass. i'm positive a majority of the girls in the forum going "i am a straight female and of course i masturbate to yaoi! it turns me on ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ " are minors that haven't reached age 14 yet. it's a beautiful day to go outside. put down your phone or shut down your device, and leave the house for ......   2 reply
07 07,2021
i am simply passing away i didnt know this was in my downloads   2 reply
03 02,2021
sorry um i thought we left this in 2020   3 reply
08 04,2021
no words just   reply
15 02,2021