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noot noot's answer page 1 (27)

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is this a safe space… these the first ones that come to mind (at least before I dropped them)   6 reply
30 01,2024
these only be funnt when it’s in video lowkey reading it is like unfunny   reply
23 days
don’t jump me just yet but younger kids shouldn’t be allowed to have access to porn or anything like that. it’s become so apparent that they’re the ones viewing and adopting things that are damaging to their perception of sex and love and how a body “should” look etc under the impression that it’s normal. and no I don’t believe in p......   1 reply
19 01,2024
they could neva make me hate you   reply
5 days
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gonna need you to revisit this when you’re an adult and genuinely take a look at this. also I’m not gonna lie u giving them all this attention is probably why they’re having fun continuing to shat on u in the first place & it’s not like the manhwa is all that like so for u guys “jaekyung lovers” or whatever acting like 2020 bts Twitter ......   reply
22 03,2024
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I’ll start, also i originally wanted to ask which one of these bl fathers do y’all think is worse?   1 reply
2 days
Legs That Won't Walk- just a hot mess. Shining summer- the new season was unnecessary as fawk! I Tamed My Ex-Husband's Mad Dog- things just spiraled out of control like it just got worse and worse.   1 reply
15 hours
Idk if this is a thing but people who hate on basic things r dumb. it’s dead obvious trends exist and the moment something people like start to get attention and become more “mainstream” which is then called “basic” or “every other style” and “overrated” like bffr that’s how the world moves especially with such fast consumerism......   1 reply
11 11,2023
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noot noot 06 03,2024
if u want crack in ur veins listen to NCT particularly 127, true music listeners will know NCT 127 makes good music Idc!!   2 reply
06 03,2024
when the ml treats the protagonist like absolute shat but still ends up with them or when the protagonist chooses the worst choice instead of the better ml in a love triangle. OR when the author makes the protagonist choose the high road and decide they’re “too good” for revenge or “living my best life is the best revenge” or some bs like......   1 reply
24 01,2024
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noot noot 10 days
this queen and this king like….   reply
10 days
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if this is a troll, this is so boring and not the dark edgy humor u think it is corny ass “   reply
25 01,2024
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when people take every situation and make it personal!! it’s one thing to be open about things and have discussions or whatever but when they take every little thing and make it about themselves and expect OTHERS to cater to them and completely be on their side it’s tiring!! “well this particular situation doesn’t fit exactly with my ideal ......   2 reply
11 01,2024
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everyone said everything but one tiny nit pick is when they draw the prostate in the wrong area I’m being so fr too or whne the dick goes to the like spin area when they thrust it in, if ykyk. like what the fawk is going on wit the anatomy   reply
27 days
i honestly don’t find a big problem with it bc i mean it’s not even out yet LMFAOO im just gonna hav to wait and see how the casting pulls through or not.   reply
6 days
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naur naur for me it’s the can’t get up mfs that realistically do not make sense and are only a rag doll bc of plot purposes! like DO SOMETHING!! Anything!! It ticks me off   1 reply
02 12,2023
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never forget ur roots   reply
16 01,2024
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well yes! That entire story was wasted potential and a waste of my time   reply
12 01,2024
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imo different stuff at different periods of time can be peak or it can considered classic that’s why people like it so by that standard a lot of things r overhyped once their time is over. plus many trends in animes, books, etc, change with time so this is a pretty difficult question. i do think sword art online went downhill pretty fast from sea......   reply
01 02,2024
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60 Minute study 10 minute break, when u feel too exhausted or hungry, eat, shower, etc. i also like to dress well and do my skincare, it makes me look and feel more put together and it eventually influences how I FEEL. also certain places r better for certain subjects! for when I need downtime to work on English, I choose a cafe. i also try to make......   1 reply
20 01,2024