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Lin's answer page 2 (27)

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1 uke 2 Rin 3 seme ignoring everything uke says 4 VICTOR 5 I'm not gay but failed 6 YAOI squad 7 bdsm   reply
19 04,2017
I'm female since the last time I checked. The name's Ana and I am a manga omnivore. If it's good I'll read it but I'll admit I caught the fujoshi bug. Oh, and from the Caribbean.   2 reply
11 06,2017
At least~ 50(might be a helluva lot more) ongoing not including any completed ones that I finish in one go and those not updated in a year. I don't know how long my list is but I know it's a lot since when I look for new mangas starting from old ones to new I just see a bunch of ones I already read(~_~;)   reply
29 06,2017
Downloading my first manga app got into yaoi. I never really paid attention to yaoi before that unless it was action/horror/sci-fi I did not care enough to read it. One day while randomly clicking on mangas I opened my first one [(⊙.⊙ )   reply
11 08,2017
Sheep jumping over a fence/a pic from Noblesse. They both have fields so I guess I'd be stuck with a field filled with sheep and werewolves (they're in the Noblesse pic too).   reply
17 11,2018
Boredom led me down this path and thank pickles it did. My first yaoi manga was not good though but after some cute gender benders and adorable shounen ai before I knew it I was like ooou it's Harada.   reply
21 06,2017