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Rays pretty wife's question (2)

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I really want to do a Manhwa/manga based server (BL,GL,Harem,etc) manga has been an escape for my life and I wanna meet other people who also like manhwa/manga, would any of you be interested? I’m not the best at it but I would try
23 05,2021
Hi! Do you like bl/shouen ai / yaoi ?
Because I need friends I have dicided to ask my hell hole if you guys want to join,
We spam , we talk about things and we talk about yaoi , bl , shouen ai and more. We have been trying to find people but we couldn't so I have to ask if anyone wants to join!
@satans_sentai on insta and If you can either dm me or put your user down so I can dm you!
23 11,2020