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milk's answer (19)

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I'm very proud of this, my hideable husbando widgets (my parents are a bit judgy lol)   1 reply
13 12,2020
i love my husbandos but im also a closet weeb so theyre hidable lmao - also the quote at the top changes at random points in the day!   3 reply
10 10,2020
I'll join but im bad at making online friends so please be nice to me   1 reply
13 09,2020
i actually didnt drop it but the female characters suck. Like they have such cool powers but they barely do anything...Momo? her power is so op but nah all the main students that get screen time are guys( ̄へ ̄) and then the fandom has a civil war over gay ships lol tbh the villains are ok, i do like shigaraki, i feel like he was written to......   reply
20 05,2021
13 09,2020
i was just born yesterday actually (`▽´)   reply
13 09,2020
31 08,2020
do i have to explain? look at him.   reply
31 08,2020
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄   reply
14 09,2020
14 09,2020
yes i agree, those ships make no sense... thats why KIRIBAKU (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
14 09,2020
Idk if this will answer you're question or not but ig i could consider myself ace (im not sure tho bc i've never dated so i might be demi) but as you can see from my account... i still read stuff with smut ^^; The difference is that i just dont feel much, if anything a bit of disgust if it's too graphic lol. I mostly read if the plot is good or if ......   1 reply
08 02,2021
depresshun tingzzzz, jk im normally fine its just been the past half year bc of quarantine   reply
19 10,2020
I- YES PLEASE   1 reply
10 10,2020
02 10,2020
lmao why do ppl believe posts like this... yall so trusting (≧∀≦)   reply
02 10,2020
Yep! AR45, currently my team is Jean, Xiao, Chongyun, and xiangling but sometimes i swap out xiao for lisa :p kinda bad at building characters but i'm trying my best! finally beat the wolfy for the first time solo yesterday so now i can do the world level up quest and jump like 5 ranks haha photo attached to show how smol and cute xiao is ;-;   reply
21 02,2021
about question
it looks nothing like me ^^; p.s. this guy is def a player (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   reply
19 07,2021
i wanna say i wait for them to be completed but i have many completed stories in my want to read too...;-;   reply
14 06,2021
about question
08 02,2021
not quite sure where you're getting the 'taking happiness from others' part... if you're happy, then you're happy! and the happiness will spread to those around you too :)   reply
08 02,2021
Gemini (=・ω・=)   2 reply
29 12,2020
25 09,2020
Ik its not the point of this post lol but i have always thought that ppl who dont like sharing combs or straws with ppl that are close to them are weird... I remember a family friend of ours went really out of her way to avoid sharing a fork with her daughter... like bruh thats your daughter wth so stingy   4 reply
25 09,2020