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shortie~'s answer page 3 (207)

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~~~Top Tier underrated BL's~~~ I love all of these so, so much uwu.   2 reply
08 08,2020
I want to go to an art school. But after thinking for a while, i think im just gonna get a degree in something else like language or something. Especially because art school is very expensive and i saw a lot of people lost their interest in art because of college. I think i can manage studying art by myself and take extra classes somewhere.   1 reply
17 08,2020
Notification for replies on questions and albums :)   reply
26 09,2020
Sakurada-senpai Kaizou Keikaku is ridiculously good. I loved everything about it. It's about a guy that turned into a sadist after being used as a sexual object by a horny senpai.   2 reply
16 06,2020
Positive : Nice art Negative : Boring, underwhelming story Nothing really deep on why i dislike BJ Alex. Just didnt enjoy it. And i dont care enough to state the things i dislike about this webtoon in detail teehee uwu I would love to recommend you my fav BL's though.   1 reply
22 06,2020
I never liked tik tok but i dont have anything againts anyone who uses that app. I do find some ironic tik toks funny though, but a lot of the times they just become annoying and overdone. Most of them are just the same jokes over and over again. But i always appreciate anything that they put effort into, like art clips or simple entertaining clip......   reply
28 06,2020
I like these because it feels realistic and more believable. The fucked up aspect is not there just for shock value. More like seinen. But yea. To give ......   1 reply
06 07,2020
I got some recs. Here! :) . Theyre either mangas about lgbt (gay) as the main topic, or mangas that has gay characters.   1 reply
27 07,2020
17 09,2020
So many assignments. Its hard to keep track of every single one of 17 subjects. Teachers need constant proof that the students are actually studying, hence the assignments. Thats why im not on mangago a lot these days. Been doing assignments, checking on whats app and google classroom every moment. Zoom is also nerve wracking. Youre constantly afra......   reply
17 09,2020
28 06,2020
I spent more time in the living room than just stay in my room now. Never did that before quarantine.   reply
28 06,2020
Hows this   reply
29 12,2020
Awkward and amateur-ish   reply
19 08,2020
When characters motives dont make sense. That turns me off more than fart porn.   reply
09 07,2020
23 09,2020
Are you implying that the authors who makes those types of stories = bad? Because yeah i agree, but maybe try finding a middle ground? We cant stop making these authors write shit stories, and dont be too delusional as a reader.   1 reply
23 09,2020
I got 3 bois in mind. Im gonna be salty if no one knows them. But if you know them, i will give you a cookie lol. But i think theyre pretty popular. Mibu from Sakurada-senpai Kaizou Keikaku. He looks like he'd be experienced, but is actually a virgin. Luca, a Maasain exchange student living in Japan from Raion Gotoki no Kuni Kara Theo, an ......   1 reply
17 06,2020
Alpha, savage, liiiiiit   reply
10 07,2020
"Hello, world!" By bump of chicken (kekkai sensens op) And a LOT of vocaloid/utaite's songs. I just got into vocaloid/utaite/japanese songs a year ago. Now thats like the main thing i listen to. Their songs are so catchy and their lyrics are intricate. I'm not saying that every song has to have some 7th dimentional meaning to them, like for instanc......   2 reply
02 06,2020
Bubur kacang hijau ლ(´ڡ`ლ) (green bean porridge) it's a really common dessert in Indonesia   3 reply
05 02,2017
I listen to music when im doing something boring or repetitive. Like washing the dishes, etc. If not listening to music, then i sing or hum. But not while doing something productive like drawing, reading, studying etc (btw, they can be considered productive right? Lol). I just find them distracting because i bacame too focused in the music lol :"))......   reply
10 07,2020