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sfynx's answer page 4 (271)

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about crying
I kinda found it on my own, but pop off ig   reply
18 06,2021
I hate when people assume I’m straight. Like buddy no, I’ve known I wasn’t straight since 3rd grade but all my family assume I like guys... I’m pans so... yes and no-   1 reply
19 04,2021
about question
sfynx 03 06,2021
I had a stroke reading that. What?   reply
03 06,2021
Yes and no. No sex. Just company.   reply
22 04,2021
about question
4. Since pirates didn’t have women on board most of the time, it was common to have sexual intercourse with crew mates. Actually, it was encouraged. Pirates would do everything in pairs; fight, drink, etc. and if one pirate died, all their belongings were now in possession of their partner. Another cool fact   reply
01 06,2021
sfynx 07 06,2021
Snake   1 reply
07 06,2021
about question
Did I read that right?   1 reply
07 06,2021
about lmao
that’s what I would call it.   reply
17 05,2021
sfynx 22 04,2021
So you hate them or not? Pick dude. And why except mineta? Just... no ️   reply
22 04,2021
sfynx 18 05,2021
I barely do my own assignments, how tf can I help?   reply
18 05,2021
about question
Watched like 2 seconds of it bc I don’t want to be depressed at a birthday party, sorry no sorry.   reply
12 06,2021
Alpha but idk if I’m happy about that. Almost all alphas are jerks. I don’t wanna be a jerk   2 reply
11 01,2021
I’m pans... so I kinda did both genders Bc why not O(∩_∩)O~~   reply
21 04,2021
about question
This. This is my 13th reason.   reply
28 04,2021
about question
sfynx 02 06,2021
u know what? I’m going to bed.   2 reply
02 06,2021
about question
sfynx 01 06,2021
Yuh. I’d walk home with her crush bc we went the same way and he literally only talked about her and I was his moral support. She got mad and thought that we liked each other and she’d tell her friends how much she hated me and how annoying I was. I was so pissed off, but I ignored it and her crush ended up disliking bc she called him annoying ......   2 reply
01 06,2021
about question
humanity has yet again, doomed the earth.   reply
07 06,2021
i only read it for the dynamics of their relationship. rape and incest and stuff like that don’t roll with me. i’d rather read shounen ai actually.   reply
13 03,2021
sfynx 05 12,2020
05 12,2020
I need bleach. Preferably eye drop bleach.   reply
30 04,2021