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If you lower your standards to an unbelievable degree, then no. You don't get bored.   1 reply
30 10,2023
I could not tell you a single thing I like about this, but every time a new chapter comes out, I slop it up like a pig. Speaking of dogshit I read religiously: I've invested so much into hate reading this that it's embarassing.   2 reply
21 09,2023
Yeah actually. If you ever look at the comments of any ecchi manga, there's a lot of men. I feel like they're outnumbered on every other part of the site though.   reply
25 07,2023
I think the dumbest reason I've ever dropped something was because the artstyle was TOO cute. I just have this bias againt really cute artstyles since usually people who go for the overly cutesy art tend to be.... kind of assholes. For a specific manhwa, I dropped the playgirl and the prince because the MC lips annoyed me.   2 reply
14 09,2023
Theyre the only topics that get more than like 10 answers. I guess they might be slightly annoying, but the forums feel dead without them.   1 reply
07 08,2023
Woop Woop
06 10,2023
Idk why, but I love looking at well drawn hair.   2 reply
06 10,2023
For BL, I've really been liking Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu, the artist is really creative with the composition of the manga and it's super interesting to read For GL The Princess of Sylph doesn't have a lot of chapters but I do love the characters relationship and how they slowly grow to warm up to each other And my all time fav nowadays is definitel......   2 reply
02 09,2023
about question
Cute catsos:   2 reply
19 11,2023
I love those characters that only appear to start shit with the MC. Characters that are just unrepetant assholes are great. Most of the time theyre more fun to watch than the main character too.   3 reply
07 09,2023
Same for me. It's not even just the newly updated chaps, old shit from 2011 won't load either. It'll probably get better in like 2 days tops though.   1 reply
25 10,2023
My fave non romance trope is a character being stuck in a time loop and slowly losing their sanity. Romance wise, the scene where one character sleeps on anothers shoulder in a train is just on another level.   2 reply
04 08,2023
about eat ass
I wish we could search for more than one tag. Sometimes I want to find something more specific than a not yaoi   reply
08 08,2023
All time fav has got to be Sato from Ajin. He was competent, actually threatening, and incredibly fun to watch. Some other villains I liked:   2 reply
08 01,2024
about question
It would be cool if the reading history didnt disappear after 2 weeks   reply
14 08,2023
I honestly think it has something to do with the obsession of giving the bottom, or MC, no personality or agency that would allow them to contribute something to the plot. I guess it might be because the MC in a romance is usually some form of self insert but it does get annoying.   1 reply
23 08,2023
about question
I would live in Moominvalley and be happy ^.^   1 reply
17 days
1. Dungeon Meshi 2. Takemitchi Zamurai 3. Fools Night 4. The Witch and The Beast 5. Drifting Dragons 6. Witch Hat Atelier 7. Touge Oni 8. Yokohoma Kaidashi Kikou 9. Ajin 10. Aftergod And for least favourite, it'd probably be Kanojo Okarishimasu   2 reply
18 12,2023
It turns out the only thing they did was remove Mangadex, Bato and Newtoki as sources on Tachiyomi. I have no idea why this is even slightly considered effective against piracy, but whatever.   reply
07 01,2024
about question
I like villains who are evil for the sake of being evil way more than villains who have a deep and complex motivation for becoming a villain. Also villains that stay evil for the entire duration of their screentime are better than villains who mend their ways because of the power of the MCs Talk no Jutsu   1 reply
22 07,2023