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Here's me, I'd be dead   1 reply
06 08,2023
about question
The choose only one criteria destroys my soul. I guess Touge Oni though. The twist later on made it a number 1 in it's genre   reply
10 10,2023
Is it 100% certain that it's Mangago? Like sure this site is big but I wouldn't call it the worlds largest manga and webtoon site. Also I'll probably still read manga, it's not like my soul is tied to this site. I'll feel bad about my albums though.   1 reply
03 12,2023
about question
I have a lot, but I've been rereading The Witch and The Beast and there's something so magical about it.   reply
04 11,2023
Sinister women>>>>>   reply
30 08,2023
Yeah I guess it's because authors are more focused on making a story rather than it being good. Looks better on their resume or whatever. To be fair, it is hard trying out new stuff in this sort of market, so authors just stick to what sells the most. Also there's no real reason to actually change when people will read anything as long as it looks......   reply
28 10,2023
about lmao
I mean tbf doujinshis arent just made for shipping fanon, Murasakinos works are doujins but theyre just regular love stories. Ignoring that, I'd say mecha is probably the most boring genre for me. Also obligatory not all fans but mecha fans also tend to be super pretentious.   reply
27 08,2023
about question
I love it when the MC is this unrepetant piece of shit. Not in a morally dubious way, or an edgelord self-insert sort of way, they're just very annoying to the people around them.   1 reply
17 01,2024
Woop Woop
25 07,2023
I noticed that the amount of times you get logged out increased around the same time the number of ads increased, so my theory(delusion) is that it's on purpose so you can get spammed with pop up ads.   3 reply
25 07,2023
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I spend every waking minute of my life shilling this manga. If the world is against Dungeon Meshi, then I am against the world.   1 reply
26 11,2023
Woop Woop
03 08,2023
Meow   1 reply
03 08,2023
Here's some I'm unhealthily obsessed with: ht......   2 reply
13 04,2024
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It's pretty innocuous but I hate the trope where the two characters actually knew each other when they were kids, but didn't recognize each other because of some bullshit reason. It's such a weird trope, and most of the time, it relies on the character being an idiot. Also it's a pretty popular trope to hate, but for romance in general, I just hate......   2 reply
31 10,2023
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I wouldn't say I was like really in love with this, but this part made me realize the author started to make their characters less human and more saints that are physically incapable of sin unlike the fucking plebs that don't repress every negative emotion they have. She received jackshit from him, all he did was teach her that her only worth was......   reply
15 10,2023
I don't really rate that often, but I tend to rate stuff regardless of whether or not it's completed. If the manga manages to drop the ball really badly, I just change my rating, or remove it from my reading list so I don't have to get updates.   reply
13 09,2023
Any ship would be popular if the characters had more time together. I am genuinely curious as to why you think Sasuke and Hinata would make a good couple though.   reply
13 08,2023
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I seriously dislike villain redemption no matter how sad their sob story is. They usually just involve downgrading the villains character to make you feel sorry for them. Villains who are intimidating and cool will always trump the redeemed villain.   reply
27 08,2023
Woop Woop
04 12,2023
  1 reply
04 12,2023
about question
Almost every axed work I've read fills me with deep regret and anger. Also Act-Age. The pos author deserved what he got but it wouldve been nice if some other author took the reins. Still I really respect the artists decision on not continuing it   reply
10 08,2023
Woop Woop
26 10,2023
DUNGEON MESHI!! Detailed worldbuilding, memorable and complex characters, great comedy, and absolutely gorgeous artwork with a very distinctive style: I'm a big fantasy fan, and Dungeon Meshi just delivers on every venue when it comes to fantasy.   3 reply
26 10,2023