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mya's answer page 1 (91)

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about question
Just bc the BL community romanticizes SA doesn’t mean you should go along with it   2 reply
30 07,2023
about question
:D   2 reply
04 04,2021
about lmao
Your main bodies immune system not knowing your eyes are a thing, and if it learned about them, they would be considered foreign objects and be destroyed.   2 reply
28 days
They never run out next it gonna be “your picrew style when you walked in on your lover cheating on you with your dad!!!”   3 reply
13 01,2024
mya 25 08,2023
Depends.. the first sentence can come off rude. I’m trying to find a job but it’s hard because they expect 1 year experience or js want you to beg. I’ve been ghosted after THEM not calling me. I sent an email.. they asked if I was still interested.. then ghosted me AGAIN. LMFAOOO. I also know LOTS of people who have 3+ years of experienc......   2 reply
25 08,2023
about question
Ik this is satire but if this was me I’d be fkin disgusted   1 reply
15 10,2023
mya 05 02,2024
“Find irl friends,” stfu and let her do whateverrr yall is not tha momma   reply
05 02,2024
about question
Anyone who’s on here 24/7 let me send you all a patch of grass   1 reply
23 12,2023
about question
Why y’all think acting like a goofball is funny   2 reply
22 09,2023
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Please I’m begging someone buy me a ipad I can’t do this on a phone anymore my fingers are fat plsss   2 reply
09 02,2024
sorry I have more I’ve been waiting for this   3 reply
08 09,2023
about question
yuhhhp I got fake headless (2 aren’t original)   2 reply
14 03,2024
2-3 years ago the plot for BLs were *chef kiss* I can’t tell you why now.. or why the most popular ones are shitty rapey BLs I genuinely wish I knew   5 reply
08 02,2024
about question
Lost in the clouds   9 reply
10 03,2024
about lmao
Hard to choose   reply
26 08,2023
about question
I was removed from this discord.. LMFAOO..   2 reply
13 01,2024
about question
If the story is a continuation of SA then bbg it’s going in the trash. Idgaf how much the man begs he’s trash and so is the story. If the SA is from a characters background/past then, obviously that’s not the same thing. No one is judging too fast because they don’t want to see them end up with the person who raped or SAed them.   reply
26 02,2024
about question
mya 10 09,2023
The BL community made it that way though, if everyone would educate the artist instead of saying, “it’s fiction,” there wouldn’t be so much SA in BLs.   1 reply
10 09,2023