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mya's answer page 3 (91)

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When anime edits were actually edits and not slide shows or 1 clip being rewinded 5 times   reply
03 04,2024
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And my favorite just ended people gotta stop spending $$ obviously the artist getting her bag cus everyone likes this ass shitty corny BL so she gonna keep it going   2 reply
13 01,2024
Will y’all ever grow out this phase   3 reply
17 09,2023
I can’t even watch fruits basket.. I have no idea how people sit n watched all that without feeling bored   1 reply
10 02,2024
about question
mya 09 02,2024
  3 reply
09 02,2024
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mya 13 04,2021
I had to dissect a sheeps brain—   reply
13 04,2021
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mya 10 02,2024
It’s important not to overly criticize something that’s given for free.. then again if it’s ass it’s ass.   reply
10 02,2024
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pompous, rude, and smarter than you   4 reply
25 07,2023
mya 10 08,2023
Boo hoo   reply
10 08,2023
Sigzai. They’ve known each other for 10 minutes and in those 10 minutes they almost died. It’s js wack.   1 reply
13 09,2023
Mmmn, I’d have to say, To Take An Enemy Heart, A Shoulder To Cry on, Where Tangents Meet, and The Penthouse XXX. (I’m sure I have more, my memory doesn’t do me any justice. :(( ) Reaching out 2 people makes me wanna dissolve into a puddle of anxiety— so texting first is so difficult for me. I honestly would be happy to have anyone as a f......   1 reply
26 01,2021
Do 1 minute of research and you’ll understand   reply
08 02,2024
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Sou(i )gasp , PLEASE IM BEGGING I HAVE NO ONE   1 reply
08 04,2024
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Anyone who is on here 24/7   reply
08 02,2024
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Wait I’m confused?? Are Jinx fans making accounts to pretend to be someone else???   2 reply
22 03,2024
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I’m the same way and stopped trying hard, (like planning to meet people, texting someone to be friends, ETC.) I like my friendships to be a natural meeting, I feel like people click with that person WAY easier/faster and it just feels more comfortable. Trying too hard might feel forced so start easy and just reply/answer questions as if they as......   reply
20 08,2023
mya 11 11,2023
You quite literally gave the definition of bisexual   reply
11 11,2023
about question
Phone numbers and clicking any link they send you. I’m sure they pay sites $$$ to straight up doxx someone without knowing any information. For phone numbers Spokeo , and for links Grapify or grabify (I think).. that’s the site someone used to doxx me.   reply
07 03,2024