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b a n a n a's answer page 2 (156)

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MacGuffin (cat that stole my mom's chicken)   reply
13 01,2021
I speak Khmer (half-fluent even though it's my native language) and English (fluent).   1 reply
24 04,2021
I just want to dump them here and express my opinion.   reply
10 01,2021
b a n a n a 20 12,2020
I wish I could talk to people without being awkward all the time.   reply
20 12,2020
A Russian Hamster can run 10km a night.   reply
20 12,2020
just two best friends :3   reply
19 04,2021
  1 reply
11 01,2021
He's going to come across this answer but duck it. My crush is like a lovable dumbass. It's fun to talk to him. He's very energetic and easygoing and we have many things in common. He makes me feel very welcomed and comfortable especially when we talk about stupid shit. I can't describe his appearance because I don't remember faces well but he wea......   reply
13 01,2021
about question
Oop– but i ain't gonna tell mom •>•   reply
06 02,2021
about question
: D   reply
03 02,2021
my duck is coming to hell with me cuz I'll be lonely down there   reply
14 04,2021
b a n a n a 16 02,2021
158...   reply
16 02,2021
I'd want to live in Parasyte. I know I can't save Migi but I can punch Murano because in MY opinion, she's annoying as hell.   reply
10 01,2021
1 and many many unwritten lessons   reply
04 06,2021
If only my lips were thinner...   1 reply
13 01,2021
I drop anime quite often because I get bored easily (this is the number one reason why I stay away from watching anime in general :'v), the plot is generic and boring, the characters are obnoxious with unrealistic goals or just plain stupid or have flat personalities or none at all, and when everything is poorly written. And the same thing applies ......   1 reply
20 05,2021