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LaughingAardvark's answer page 2 (42)

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I avoided anime when it first began to be broadcast in the US. Not only was I in my late teens but what episodes (of who knows what) I accidentally caught seemed to consist of two guys talking smack for five minutes while they 'powered up'. So boring. I'd say the first anime I actually followed was, of course, Pokémon which I watched with my b......   reply
03 05,2020
about scared of
It's hard to lose a friend but this person isn't one anymore and hasn't been for years. It has probably been going on for longer than you know because these things start with small, occasional insults and ramp up. I have experienced relationships where I excused the occasional insult because they were so supportive the rest of the time. The rela......   reply
16 08,2020
Death by Chocolate. It is the title dessert of an all chocolate cookbook I have. It's a layer cake (kinda). You make it in a springform pan. There's a layer of brownie. A layer of chocolate mousse. A layer of chocolate merangue. A layer of ganache. A layer of mocha mousse. Another layer of brownie. You chill it and then take it out of the ......   reply
16 08,2020
Heat. Why? Because my first period was bad and they only got worse over the years. By the time I was 18 I would be throwing up and passing out from the pain. This would go on for two to three days, lying in bed, praying for it to be over. It was years before my doctor suggested taking birth control. That made it so prescription pain medicatio......   2 reply
20 05,2019
It was always horrible when I got bronchitis after I developed asthma because I had to take prednisone or I just wouldn't get better because I couldn't cough stuff up. The first time I took it taught me to read those possible side effects sheets the pharmacists hand out with new medication. I thought I was going crazy because I was sick as a dog ......   reply
15 10,2020
13 05,2020
You might want to start by asking what kind of animals your family is least scared of. Try and figure out if they're just scared or if it's an actual phobia because even if they can work on their phobias they will probably never really be comfortable around that animal. See if they will be sort of okay with something you can keep in your room so ......   reply
13 05,2020
If your partner thinks it's wrong for you to not wear a bra at home they are the wrong person for you. It's only natural to want to be comfortable in your own home. Not wearing a bra at home is like not wear high heels at home. It's uncomfortable and pointless.   reply
23 01,2020
If who you hang out with defines what you are then I'm a military veteran, a metal head, a computer programer, and a cat with a Ph.D. in psychology. If this comes up again and her only reason remains who your friends are, maybe you should ask her why she thinks your a lesbian rather than transgendered.   1 reply
26 05,2019
One good way I read about requires an accomplice with a small plane. Have them fly it over a wilderness area with no trails and push it out of the plane. It will go splat and get eaten. Or if you can fly have the other person push it out. But unless there is a serious reason the body can never be found just dump them in an isolated body of wate......   reply
30 10,2020
Wearing contacts or glasses is completely a matter of personal preference and whether or not you can afford them. I mainly wear contacts and always do when I leave the house. I find glasses annoying because of fogging issues and because I'm one of those people that starts sweating like a pig before I even realize I'm getting hot. But I mainly st......   reply
24 10,2020
Go back to sleep. That usually fixes everything.   reply
16 04,2017
Yes, I've tried. I'd say more but I made the mistake of reading the other answers and now I'm triggered af.   reply
29 01,2020
In th USA here in Southern California they started limiting the number of masks and hand sanitizer you could buy a couple of weeks ago. I went shopping a few days ago and almost didn't go in because of the line of people waiting outside. It actually wasn't that it was insanely crowded. They were just limiting the number of people in the building......   reply
23 03,2020
Too long. I'm 49 years old. I'll won't write more than is here though there is more I could say. I just hope some people will read it all. Don't sign things without reading them. Learn to budget and keep track of what's in your bank account. My dad always said "An unbalanced checkbook is worthless." Learn to cook and make nutritious meals. One......   2 reply
23 11,2019
I get along with my brother the most. I was close to my dad. Growing up we watched the Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner Show together Saturday mornings. He was the one who participated in Brownies and Girl Scouts with me. He took me to soccer and was my coach one year. My mother, well, when she was nice she we would talk and go to movies and have fun......   reply
22 01,2020
I have been overweight for quite some time and I realized one day that this has lead me to hold a small bit of hate towards small children. One time I dyed my hair purple. A small child pointed at me and said, " Look Mommy! Her hair is purple! ". It was at that point that I realized I had expected him to say, "Look Mommy! She's fat!". It piss......   reply
23 03,2018
One of my brother's cats. I've never met a cat like this before. She is a total bitch. She has to be given twice daily meals because she's overweight and if you give her a bowl of food she will eat until she pukes and then keeps on eating. She's so lazy that when I try to exercise her with toys she just kays on her side and bats at them. When......   1 reply
19 09,2020
I'm going to say yes and that he really, really shouldn't. That's taking inbreeding to a bizarre extreme.   reply
21 05,2020
My mother told me once to never marry someone who isn't really enthusiastic about marrying me. I feel that that should go in the reverse direction too. I know you don't want to hurt him but the best route is to be honest. At this point hurting him is unavoidable. The only thing you can control at this point is how much you hurt him. This is al......   reply
13 06,2020