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dei's answer (4)

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i look like the red head everyone hates in manhwas or mangas but at least i’m hot   reply
08 06,2021
im sobbing uncontrollably rn wtf is this. get that cat away from this man ASAP!!   reply
02 08,2023
16 10,2023
who does this guy think he fooling??? u deserve better twin listen to ur heart not ur head   reply
16 10,2023
-Eun Ae -vv quiet -21 -she/her -currently studying -hard to approach Likes: empty places, the rain , surprises Dislikes: bitter coffee, bright places, lazy people Description-- This is Eun Ae she is 21yrs old currently studying at a college. Eun ae doesn't have many friends that is because she looks very intimidating to approach but actually is ......   1 reply
05 02,2021