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anteiku's question page 1 (38)

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about question
long story short i tested positive when i took a swab test while working a cp days ago, but i have no symtomps for covid so im on self isolation rn, and the neighbours also sum ppl i dont have any idea of who they are keep sending stuffs n foods, i came home w empty fridge n no cleaning supplies etc. but now i could make a gd minimarket....

i appreciate their concerns... but... i live alone n its getting uncomfortable for me, someone even sent a whole grocery yesterday like a whole big shopping bad n a huge box who's gonna eat n use these stuff
06 07,2021

so uh- i heard this a few days ago, i dont really understand how it works but im quite shooketh tbh, im a child out of marriage n i have rape kink ;-; dont come for me y'all, its the trauma.

i def do NOT romanticize this in any way, but things were literally fucked up for me, is not like i entirely believe it, but knowing that i was born bc a non-consent sex n then unfortunately experience the same stuff when i was a child, is really sucks, i had theraphy, but i stopped cuz my parents think that i dont have anything to be stressed about, little do the they know that i almost off myself for the past few years

maybe u wonder why i didnt tell this to my parents or family? i basically cant, things like this was awfully taboo, n since there's no witness or proof so i cant convince anyone either, n it happens years ago

and why did it even developed to a kink? its basically something scared me for years, i dont even know, i def seems contradicting but hey, im confused as well ok, at some point i thought maybe it wasnt a kink, maybe its just bc it stucks in my mind, but idk, wdyt?

so sorry for sharing this question, i just need to ask someone, no one ever really know this irl, not even my parents, i even once live w the perpetrator for a couple months since he was my cousin
10 05,2021
about question
why n how tho
07 06,2021
about question

i almost died today ;-; basically i was in class doing some errand for my graduation but then i suddenly got my period n my friends wont take me to the nearest minimarket, long story short i went alone w a motorcycle n had an accident ;-;

it was so fast i didnt even process what happened, i broke a bone n didnt realize about it n still following some long ass ceremony for about three hours

moral of the story, i should prolly prepare anything that could happen in the future by myself so this wont happen again or maybe i should just have someone i can ask help for or maybe i should've bring some emergency pads to school
27 05,2021
about question
29 05,2021
20 12,2023
wasnt there used to be doujinshi in the top 10 section? what am i missing

though the top 10s sometimes r the worst of this site but where did it go lol
20 12,2023
about nosebleed
11 05,2021
have y'all ever just use either of them as a stress ball? like- u just touch ur own ass or tits n squish it like a stress ball

ngl tho it feels so nice... im not talking about playing w them like when u jerk off, like dont u have the urge to squish them sometimes???
11 05,2021
about question
01 06,2021
grocery shit expensive asf.... i started living alone n now im contemplating my life choices

i mean its not entirely bad but paying everything w ur own money sure r sucks, bills n taxes also confusing, well thanks a lot to my parents n teachers that teaches me NOTHING ABOUT HOW TO LIVE PROPERLY, all i know now is math n biology n my life is nowhere to be arranged
01 06,2021
22 05,2021
i was just going home n in taking an online transportation uber kinda like, we're just about to arrived but then i remember i left smth behind

when i ask the driver to go back he was like pissed, i mean i would too, i felt really bad ansbsjjssbjs, so i tripled the price n then tip him as well, but omg the inconvenience i made was awful

i feel like i ruined his day n this prolly would stay in my mind for a couple weeks
22 05,2021
about question
my household is really strict when it comes to lgbt, its a typical household where they be saying shit like "its a sin" bla bla bla, im bi n a nonbinary btw

BUT THEN SMTH HAPPEN LIKE, it was a family gathering right, they be asking question like "do u have a bf" shit, n somehow the lgbt topic came to the surface... it went 0-100 rq when everyone suddenly argue until my uncle said "sexuality isnt a choice, being straight is the only thing that can be accepted" I WAS ABOUT TO THROW HANDS BUT THEN HE SAID "i even found men attractive but i choose my wife n god" i was like- wait a goddamn minute... n everyone was like agreeing him like i hold my laugh so hard cuz i had to shut myself so i dont blow my cover, but the way they just agreed like- wtf were they closeted or sumn?
31 05,2021
about question
stop saying this site would get taken down, i mean yea we're on thin ice but, just stop saying it sksjdbdbdjd, i know we're all scared, but no need to bring it to the surface alr... "owh its bc those tiktok bitches" n all, YES I KNOWWW, i dont want this site to get taken down either, sure thing those who blatantly saying this site on social pisses me off as well, lets just get rid of those "what if" possibilities

"i'll miss this site n yall if this site get taken doen" same bestie, same (/T-T)/ lets just hope it wont n chillax for a bit ;-;
23 07,2021
about question
10 06,2021
i just saw a cockroach giving birth n i lowkey traumatized

i just had dinner n im feeling like i'd throw it up
10 06,2021
about question
we all know some ppl on this site "openly" tell the social media that they read stuff here, twt, ig, fb, tiktok, u name it

i just wanna know... why- no hate tho, i aint trying to pull out a scene n yk "this site should be a secret pls stfu u moron" stuff cuz i think we're all pretty much fed up w those, like- why did u proudly say that, especially the one who read yaoi, cuz y'all the one i usually see, i cant- i dont understand why, if ur on this site, u know it, there's nothing to be proud of from here, so why, why did u- what was the reason, i need to know

this site cant be put on ur CV ms or mr, this aint an achievement, so tell me why (●'ー'●)ノ
14 05,2021
bruh, yk that joke when someone's says, if ur the main character ur dad would leave for good lmao, kinda funny cuz a lot of mc have a character design like "no dad" or "divorced parents" or "neglected orphan" or even "i dont even know my dad"

the thing is, i know i aint the only one, but some of y'all-including me-also wear the same shoes n like far away from the joke u r always think that "dude, im that side character who only got 2 seconds screentime n even got no name"
10 05,2021
11 05,2021
do y'all bedroom's have door, like a decent door, with keys, cuz i mf dont n its right beside the living room, im standing on a thin ice 24/7
11 05,2021
about question
mine's dumb/indecisive mc, idc how stressful the world building is, istg if they dont grow a fucking backbone
02 12,2023
about question
//SNK SPOILER WARNING?? in case some of u only watch the anime

y'all i really cant do this today but apparently our beloved mangaka hajime isayama *sighhhhhhh* decided to make an extra chapter yk, have u heard about it tho? basically there'll be a panel where mikasa bring her child, i repeat her child into eren's grave, w her husband ofc (BTW BEFORE I FORGOT I NEED TO TELL Y'ALL THAT THE SNEAK PEAK I SAW WASNT OFFICIAL YET)

i didnt see the fathers face yet cuz i havent read that chapter yet, but he kinda looks like jean, or it is jean???? anw i get a sneak peak from a friend of mine n damn ngl that shit kinda hurts, i aint against jeankasa or any other ship since im a multi shipper, but ajshddjdhdidi eremika deserve so much more ㅠㅠ

if he really made that extra chapter the way he "surprised" me when i saw the sneak peak panel when mikasa kisses eren, i swearr to gawdddhhhhh i'd cry every drop of tears i've ever had

this troop where the one died n say "pls continue live ur life w/o me" n the one who listen to it n moved on really hurts yk ㅠㅠ ofc im happy that they're able to stand up on their feet again, but this made me questioning about what even love is, this troop scared me fr
15 05,2021
about lmao
at first i enjoyed romance genre so much, it made me hopelessly daydreaming bla bla bla, until i realized that i was just lonely n escaping reality lmaoooo

i mean who doesnt imagine themself being that mc who literally living our dream yk, these days its kinda hard for me to bring myself to enjoy romance genre, any kind of love is actually made me jealous at this point ;-; even sometimes when the story its too good i'd drop it cuz i cant stand how single i felt while reading those ( ̄∇ ̄")

i remember that i stopped halfway through every series that has spice of romance for the past few months cuz, i know damn well that my fictional thought would not become real ㅠㅠ the fact that my standard is on cloud nine but im single asf n cant even enjoy any romance fiction anymore its just najhsbsbskwhshshd reality sure hit me like a bitch
16 05,2021
16 05,2021
depression meals count
16 05,2021
24 05,2021
i've been seeing a lot of genshin impact questions n im kinda curious about it, i dont play games anw, i used to but then my pc n phone broke so i stopped lol, its not like its bothering me but i have this one question plsss its been on my head for weeks i still dont know the answer

why is zhongli peepaw??? yk what im talking about?? i've seen genshin a lot in my social n when it comes to zhongli they be calling him peepaw, its cute tho, but why, like who start it, i need the backstory
24 05,2021