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Insane Hopeless's answer page 4 (78)

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Dragonball Z was my first anime, and Fruits Basket was my first manga. I consider DBZ my own gateway of sorts to anime/manga, and how I got into drawing anime as well. That series holds sentimental value to me.   reply
14 06,2017
This quote sounds a bit pessimistic, but it really speaks to me tbh.   1 reply
19 06,2017
Nope. I will never ever stop reading yaoi. I'm already in that too deep and have been reading for far too long. It's over for me... ╥﹏╥   1 reply
18 10,2020
There's nothing wrong with girls watching porn. I mean guys can do it, so why can't we? However, I will say that I've tried watching it a few times, but it's not really my cup of tea tbh. I've always found myself feeling flustered and embarrassed the entire time. But for some reason I don't feel that way at all when watching hentai or explicit BL a......   reply
22 04,2017
My parents know (which is hella embarrassing) and so does my older sister. My sister even ended up liking it. (⌒▽⌒)   reply
22 07,2017
Manga because there's more of a variety of different types of stories I can read, and A TON of more yaoi. But I will say that I actually like shounen-ai manhwas/webtoons more than their manga counterpart.   1 reply
22 07,2017
about eat food
Food that I'm not a fan of ( ̄へ ̄) : Chitlins/Chitterlings Licorice Strawberries Hoppin' John Ambrosia Salad   reply
27 05,2021
I have 35 BL mangas! (most of which I've acquired online behind my parent's back lol)   reply
29 06,2017
How often rape isn't taken seriously leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth tbh. Like I read a yaoi manga where a dude was gang raped, and then a few days after it took place the guy was literally drinking tea with one of the dudes who raped him like nothing happened. So yeah...   1 reply
10 11,2016
I've never really talked about this before, but I'm also in my 20's, and I'm still a virgin too. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ For the longest time, my reasoning for not wanting sex (or rather for waiting) were for religious reasons, but as I got older, I became more adverse to the thought of it because I became repulsed by the idea of havin......   1 reply
16 07,2017
I don't think that I'd be brave enough to do that, so nah lol. ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
16 07,2017
But she's a succubus though and I don't wanna die   reply
25 02,2021
At first I was all: But then I was:   reply
23 07,2017
about question
Its rather boring if you ask me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
04 03,2021
-Seeing female characters who are fujoshis, or are actually in support of the relationship between the two male characters instead of trying to break them up. -Interracial couples - When the uke is the one to take the initiative - Role reversals - When a love triangle turns into polyamory -Occasional cross dressing -Not being able to tell wh......   reply
06 01,2017
Boku no Pico doesn't phase me because I've seen worse. Much, MUCH worse. I've read the hentai manga Mai-chan's Daily Life, which is quite possibly the absolute worst thing that I've seen in the entirety of my life. This is the type of manga that would have you convinced that Jeffery Dahmer created it, and the fact that you read it would be a life-l......   reply
06 02,2017
I procrastinated on a 13 page research paper for a psychology class to read manga once. Also, the paper was due early the next day, and I somehow managed to finish it in time and made a good grade.   reply
16 06,2017