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chottomattey's answer page 1 (359)

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Full of horny bitches   reply
22 06,2021
Being caught masturbating in general is fucking embarrassing   reply
22 12,2023
Good artstyle doesnt matter if an artist cant create a proper mood or expressions. Like bruh she's dying- why the hell does she look like a sad puppy with sparkling eyes????   1 reply
25 09,2023
about question
I dont have friends   2 reply
04 05,2021
about question
My becomes suicidal with just the smallest disturbance   1 reply
29 10,2023
this godly handsome man yes sir   6 reply
26 05,2021
about question
My pillow (But next to it is my brother but thank goodness i was saved by the pillow)   reply
27 04,2021
about question
Ako kay usa ka way gamit nga bwesit nga dili worthy sa hangin nga iyang sig hinga Ako ay isang walang silbing puta nga dili karapat-dapat sa hangin na kanyang hinihinga   3 reply
03 06,2021
Wait yall r getting married?? I thought we all r gonna stay horny and single 4ever???? I feel betrayed   1 reply
01 07,2021
about question
I'm a people pleaser I- I'm a coward   1 reply
29 06,2021
When they see a female character in a shounen/action manhwa "ewww romance" "the story is now ruined" " I'm gonna drop this now" like bitch okay no one cares about u dropping this! I know u don't want romance and bs but do u really think the whole plot of the story would change if u put a single girl there??? But when it comes to action manhwas with......   reply
06 07,2021
about question
I put my country before but then I remembered how I want to leave my country- wait more like the world lol. earth is overated   reply
09 06,2021
about question
touching grass won't save you anymore you better go eat some....NOW   reply
14 05,2021
nah that's definitely sex...even masturbating is called the safest SEX so yeah   reply
18 05,2021
bl is....basically just romance right?????????? so is gl???????   reply
18 05,2021
about question
Yeah lol there may be a very dark bad side in this site but it's still kinda fun ngl   reply
28 06,2021
about penpals
my mind was processing for the longest time on wth is "you can't here a picture" the "here" was just actually a fucking typo damn it I'm so slowww also why the fuck could I hear his voice so vividly amma go cry now bye   2 reply
05 05,2021
about crying
damn I am scarred of yall's parents I- my Christian parents could never lmao theyre going to pass out if they know what shit I am into   3 reply
26 05,2021
to get railed by three hot rich dudes...........and world peace(like seriously)   1 reply
19 05,2021
about question
I once asked tt if todoroki's pubes would also be red on one side and white on the other..........but no one also knows the answer   reply
19 06,2021