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Tanx17's question (4)

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need some funny images so that my crush thinks I'm funny (/TДT)/
03 04,2024
about question
i have this major exam in may that'll decide my future and although I'm very serious about it i just cant concentrate on reading for example i keep yawning even tough I'm not tired, i watch a lecture for 10 min and get distracted and the major problem is i feel so sleepy all the time even tough I'm getting a good sleep actually more than 7hr and i still feel sleepy. In past i used to stay up all night to study or even read manga but now i cant even do that and whenever i go to sleep i feel so guilty thinking i didn't get much done for today. So I need your help guys please tell me how do you guys stay up late or how do you guys study for exam anything that'll help me please.
08 04,2024
about question
my schools just started and let me tell you I've spend all the days reading bl's and now if I am seeing two guys I just can't help but ship them together or I would wonder how they would look like while getting on and no matter how much I try to ignore those thoughts it get worse it makes me feel bad for them and I literally feel disgusted in myself
27 02,2021
14 02,2021
how do guys remember math's and physics problems like I understand it at school but after coming home its as if someone stole all my memories. I cant even remember the formulas please tell me methods to understand those things my exams are starting soon. ╥﹏╥
14 02,2021