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Why didn't I lock the Door?'s question page 4 (120)

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Okay so I read this and it is a bunch of daisuke x Haru comics, shonen ai, I mean there is like 1 yaoi comic but not really that yaoi, I don't blame ya'll if you dont trust it, cuz I mean the stuff ya'll have seen HAHA, but this is magaddex, not mrm,so you ca trust me or not, I dont blame you either way
15 10,2020
Just, voltron I want to talk about it
18 04,2021
This is my opinion, feel free to share yours.
So first, who wouldn't survive an Apocalypse: The kind of people who think that the karen joke is still funny, most of ya'll are still 10 year old or just have that kind of humor, ya'll would probably try to crack a joke to the zombie and then get bitten.

Someone who would survive is someone who knows how to survive in the wild, has combat experience and common sense.

Someone who wouldn't survive is a teacher ( Like literacy, Social studies those kind of teachers) I say this because 1. Most of the teachers I've had quit because the kids were that bad, they low key have a lot on their plate a zombie Apocalypse would either be their breaking point and they'd be like that one meme in which the dog was sitting in a house on fire and saying 'this is fine' while sipping a cup of coffee while having a mental breakdown. either way I don't see it ending well for them. 2. A lot of teachers can't function without their coffee, and rations will be limited so.... You not gonna have the ability to have those 3 cups of coffee a day bro.

Someone who would survive is someone on this website, your presence alone terrifies the zombies and seeing how horny you are you might try to rail them. But it is 50/50 with ya'll, I mean ya'll are surprising so yeah.

Someone who wouldn't survive, people who base their life off of fiction . I'm talking posters, merch personality, ( this isn't everyone just usually the ones who gate keep and are really toxic.) Especally the yaoi fanacitc, I don't mean people who read yaoi in general or people who read a lot of it I'm talking the ones who really think shit works the way it does it yaoi, please, no. If the lack of yaoi your able to read doesn't kill you, your team mates will, if they don't you simple lack of common sense and intelligence will. I'm kidding. But yeah let me know what you think, who do you think would survive / what kind of people that kind of stuff. Also, what I said I said as a joke.
08 07,2021
about lmao
We all just remember Dora the explorer right? How did that end tho- Did anyone stick around to see orrrr
ALso did anyone genuinely like that show
27 05,2021
Any drama recommendations?
I'd prefer Netflix and Hulu recommendations but other things work to.
02 05,2021
about help me, since no one replied the first time I said something, tbh, i wont be mad if ya'll dont trust this but imma tell ya'll what it's about daisuke x haru shonen ai, I've read it, trust me dot trust me, I mean I would trust me after the stuff i've put ya'll through... But uh, yeah
16 10,2020
Goodnight to the people who are to lazy to read all of this.
Goodnight to the people who are waiting on hunterxhunter to get another season.
Goodnight to the Hisoka stan's.
Goodnight to the people who made DIO into a husbando.... (why)
Goodnight to the Dazai simp's. (Ronpao is underrated)
Goodnight to the sad people out there who are gonna fall asleep tonight without someone holding them tight like in a shoujo manga's. (this makes me feel lonely)
Goodnight to the beyblade burst fan's. (I can't be the only one)
Goodnight to the people who think 'Ash Ketchum' sounds a lot like 'Ass ketchup'...(Again... I can't be the only one)
Goodnight to the people who are still crying about their love life.
Goodnight to the people who are going through a break up.
Goodnight to the people who are going through a hard time.
Goodnight to the people who have any pent up rage, anger, stress, anxiety or sadness. (I'm here to listen)
Goodnight to the people who are struggling to live. (live, you're worth it)
Goodnight to the people who have 30+ missing assignment's
Goodnight to the people who are probably going to try to shift into an anime/manga/manhua/manhwa universe tonight. (just not this universe)
Goodnight to the people who read all of this.

I know I missed a lot but I'll be back with more. Sweet dream's, shifting or whatever your doing tonight.
28 10,2020
If you feel like it story form?
02 05,2021
about question
A king is nothing without his people. What if murder is a sin because we are getting rid of his people? Same with suicide. If we were to all die off then who would be left for him? Who would be left to bask in his power aside from himself. They'd still be a God, don't get me wrong but what's a God without followers? What's a king without their people?
I alternated between pronouns because God is said to be all and everything so I used different pronouns.
26 05,2021
Like really though. while your waiting on someone to answer your how to hide a dead body question you can browse the smut section. google doesn't have that.
03 07,2021
There is a pink haired cartoon character (female) hilding onto a white cat as the cat glides down the girls arm and leavs a trail of rainbow blood.
I do not remember much of the show, I went a clip of it years ago. Thank you.
26 06,2021
Is it really good? Is it really bad? Say it doesn't exist as we know it or you don't believe in heaven, well feel free to not answer or to come up with your own version.
02 05,2021
Nene brings the drama to that show. Feel free to share what you would like to share.
03 07,2021
Okay so I wanted to start a shounen-ai, tragedy, yaoi, slice of life, sci-fi webtoon and there are 2 things that I am stuck on.
1. I want to have a specific style like back to school, I just like the rough art style, mine is to soft , this is the link just in case ya'll wanted a reference there is also angle buddy and royal servant to, I just like that kinda style except theirs doesn't look as rough as theirs.
2. I have no clue how to draw nice muscular men without them looking like they came straight out of Jojo's bizarre adventures. Like I can draw a male, they are either just to feminine, or to musculant.

So any advice on how to change my art style to look more rough and how to draw a guy? A nicely built guy? So, if ya'll could recommend some tip's or some good drawing tutorials for this stuff cuz I can't find any really.... I've watched 12 and I still cant draw a nice boy.... Help....
24 10,2020
So what kind of phases did you go through? I went through a phase of believing I could find love.... Yeah that ended quickly.
29 10,2020
If you do not believe in hell, feel free to write a story of tragedy or horror, or make up you own version of hell. Not answering is of course an option.
02 05,2021
Mkay so this one time I remember I stole this dudes candy and then he told the teacher, the teacher said come forward, nothing bad will happen I won't tell them who took it. No one came forward. So, during recess I told the teacher she said okay and then she told my parents and so when I got home my parents were disappointed, of course but my dad still spanked me, hard. So hard in fact that I'd like to say he spanked me harder than usual. Now, what really got me, was this: They encouraged me to tell the truth and told me that nothing bad would happen, not on this particular moment but just in general. So, when I told the teacher that I was thinking that my parents would be proud of me for telling the truth and that they would still be disappointed just not this mad. Now, not only did my father spank me but I had to have a long talk, one of those talks. I know it was wrong to steal the candy, I understand that and I felt guilty for doing that. But, it's more so the fact that when I actually told the truth the punishment was worse than when I lied, because if I lied then it would just be a long talk and they would be mad at the fact that I lied not at what I actually did, and this is not the only occasion in which telling the truth was worse than lying. So, I'm assuming that I subconshelly just remember those moments and then I lie because I remember the punishment for lying was better than the punishment for telling the truth. I got trust issues from this and became a pathological liar.
Feel free to share your stories if you'd like.

This wasn't a trauma dump, this isn't trauma.
18 05,2021
about bad ends
It's a good show, I would recommend it. Fallon? Dude, yesssss.
Plot? Surprisingly amazingggg. It's on Netflix.. If y'all want to talk about it I'm here.
Also I love how the show had this one episode that was just like pure comedy. Like dynasty has comedy it's rare but when it happens it's pure gold.
23 04,2021