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jolly grape pussay's question page 4 (156)

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jolly grape pussay 25 11,2020
i know a lot of you, hopefully most of you, already know this but apparently, people still think this way. this is a reminder that killing stalking is not, and never will be, a yaoi

some people are just genuinely misinformed/haven't read it but i just wanna say this. Yoonbum and Sangwoo were not in love. Sangwoos love stemmed from his mothers abuse as a child which led to his infatuation(?)/curiosity with bum. Yoonbum had such an unhealthy obsession with Sangwoo, it shouldn't be classified anywhere near "love".

and some of you will hate on Koogi for for calling herself a fujoshi(even though its perceived as a negative term by most people, a lot of people don't know the true definition) and THEN switch up and call Sangwoo gay. Koogi literally said Sangwoo wasn't gay. he isn't bi, pan, or anything because hes NOT attracted to men. Sangwoo harassed, kidnapped, and abused Yoonbum so no. its not attraction. and I've seen people say "Well, maybe it was Stockholm syndrome and bum DID fall in love with him" LMAO STOP

yall dont need to go out of your way to defend killing stalking because if your defense for someone "loving" someone else has stockholm syndrome, abuse, or breaking someones fucking ankles in it, its obviously not love

the ppl who say that shit anyway are probably 12 anyway but thats disrespectful to actual 12 year olds lmao
also sorry if some of this is confusing, my energy levels are low rn
25 11,2020
can yall help me w a username /srs

nothing like "hisokascumslut" or smth pls
21 01,2021
uhh this is kinda embarrassing to ask on here and i lowkey feel like this is just undermining actual sexual abuse so call me out if im wrong

so when i was about 8 and my sister was 10, she would kinda like,,, forcibly kiss me? like sometimes she'd pin me against the wall and start humping me(pls dont say "sweet home alabama" or something in the replies because writing this by itself is giving me bad memories and im looking for help). she kept forcing me to kiss her sometimes when i was trying to fall asleep even when i told her to stop. she'd also force me to watch porn together(it was out of interest at first but when i said i didnt want to watch it anymore, she still forced me to look at it).

and another incident was when i was with my aunt and my mom getting my hair done when i was, i think in 1st-3rd grade. my memories of this are really blurry but there was this guy who would keep touching me there and i didnt really know what was happening so i didnt do anything lol
nothing much happened but he put his hands on my stomach and touched my ass a little bit. i dint remember how old he was but his voice was kind of deep so im assuming he was atleast in 7th grade.
02 12,2020
when i say "kids shouldnt be hit as punishment" a lot of people assume i mean they shouldnt be disciplined.
first of all, ive seen undisciplined kids, thats the last thing id ever want.
seconndd, not rly i just think when i go to highfive my brother who's 3, or literally any other toddler, he shouldnt flinch. idk maybe its normal? maybe im just uneducated cuz to my knowledge, its a defense mechanism
03 11,2020
hi sexies who wants to help me do character design bc me and my creativity are absolutely worthless uwu
23 01,2021
about question
how do they work in english? like in a "she is" or "they are" type of situations and similar to that? would it just be like a normal pronoun?

also how would you even find neopronouns that are right for you? like ive seen pl go by bee/beeself or corps like,,,

im not trying to seem rude or anything i just genuinely want to understand so i dont hurt anyone
21 11,2020
would you vote for trump or biden? and why?
03 11,2020
about question
this is more of a rant but whatever
i hate ppl who are like "im trans cuz id look cute as a boy uwuuwuwfnvjv" and thats the only reason
id give anything to not be trans and actually be comfortable in my body and some people just stick the label on themselves as if its not a big deal. bruv if youre already comfortable in your own skin, you dont need to change. i wont speak for every transperson but to me, thats just disrespectful
06 11,2020
jolly grape pussay 19 12,2020
what are yalls favorite character personalities that you rly dont see often in books or tv shows
19 12,2020
about question
put your thoughts in the replies cuz im bored asf
so basically for all my life my sister has been a bitch towards our family,, but recently its gotten worse. not really recently tho like,,, 2017 or 2018.. its not really a "omg stop being so rude towards ppl" its more of "stop assaulting your family members and emotionally and abusing your siblings"

my sister has done many things to me that has caused me a lot of emotional distress. shes hit and shoved me to the ground, called me retarded, told me to kill myself, etc.. sometimes she stops for around a month or so i start getting closer to her and then she does it again... i've told my mom bout most of these things, including the telling me to kill myself and that shed kill me in my sleep by pouring bleach down my throat.( though shes made many threats talking about killing or harming me in my sleep) part but she just called my sister and ig told her not to do it anymore? i didn't even get an apology..

im also assuming my sister knows i'm trans because she's always snooping through my phone and once while she was harassing me, she called me a she-man <3

the only time when my mom actually gets involved is when it actually involves/offends he. there have been many instances where the police were called to our house because of her and even more times where they'd have constant arguing. the most i've gotten from my sister is one or two forced apologies. but my mom uses my trauma whenever she has an argument with her and idk how to feel ab that...

at least once a year since 2017, my mom and my sister have an argument and my sister goes to stay at our grandmothers house for about 2 months. she comes back and everything's fine for about 5 months and then it happens again. and here i am still thinking all of this is my fault and i did something to trigger these actions

anyway i've come to the conclusion we ALL have a mental illness gn xo
19 11,2020
APPARENTLY people are still debating that hisoka isnt a pedophile because he isnt attracted to gon because hes a child, hes attracted to gon because he's strong which is?????? what????

ok so heres a scenario:
a man likes is sexually attracted to people with blue eyes. he sees a child with blue eyes. he is now sexually attracted to the child. but its not wrong because hes just attracted to the kid because he has blue eyes.

sounds stupid right? just like this whole fucking hisokas not a pedo debate. i was just fine with the "i dont like hisoka being a pedophile but i do think he's hot" cuz understandable ig... but now yall are going out of your fucking way to give a reason why hisoka isnt a pedophile(not to mention they all can be proven false with 3 statements or less)

liking hisoka while acknowledging his actions is one thing,,,,, liking hisoka and excusing/ignoring his predatory behavior towards 12 year olds is fucking disgusting and i wont tolerate it :))
29 11,2020
for the last three days or sum shit, my unresolved trauma keeps popping up in my mind and I'm so pissed cuz my head can't be empty or else I'll think about it and I'll go into fight or flight mode or sum... Naw deadass shits fr scary anyway what's y'all fav color pallette I'm bored
24 10,2020
jolly grape pussay 09 12,2020
pls one of my friends just told me they used to simp for me and i literally cant stop laughing omg
09 12,2020
the ending song(?) to atla is such a bop like omg
20 12,2020
isnt iroh from avatar kinda fine..?
23 12,2020
jolly grape pussay 24 12,2020
comment your favorite relationship dynamic

if im feeling energetic enough i might reply mangas ive read with it
24 12,2020
about question
what are yall one piece ships/lgbt headcannons? personally i strongly believe luffy is aro/ace and thes one of the main reason why he's my comfort character. i do also like to believe luffy and zoro has a closer friendship more than any other of the strawhats but i dont really see them in a romantic light

17 02,2021
im bored as FUCK like ong so uhh
if any of you are good writers and/or artists(with confidence in your skills) id be down to work w you to make a story or smth.

I've been wanting to make an angsty story all year but my art is trash and im too tired all the time to make character sheets and junk all by myself(mostly bc the story ive been thinking of has like 8 recurring/main characters)

anyway hmu mamacitas and papi chulo and citachulos idk
02 12,2020
so i was browsing on tiktok and i saw a comment on a video ab neopronouns and nounpronouns(?)

this seemed like a really interesting topic so im gonna put down 2 comments that stood out to me
Each are written by different people btw

"Pronouns are meant to replace nouns.. ex: That's her husband - That's Sarah's husband. Her replaces Sarah. You can't use nouns to replace.. nouns.."

"If you are a human, I'm not calling you bug, doll, kitten, bat or anything like that. The lgbtq community has tried for so long to seem as human to others and now that people wanna be called objects or animals isn't right"

I think #1 is right. To be honest, using kitten or doll as a pronoun or something really just seems more like its a nickname.
However, #2 is more debatable. The second sentence does make sense but I don't think those types are pronouns are from people who believe that they are actually animals or objects. From what I've heard from a few people who use those pronouns(not saying a few people represent everyone), they're more to express themselves or what they like.

I also wanna say that the tiktok WAS NOT bashing on neopronouns. The video just included it as a reference.
I don't really wanna make this too long tho so I'm just gonna stop right here
14 12,2020
i need a character in a series im making to kinda have relatability? so if you're cool with it, drop some traits you have(they can be negative or positive. flaws are what makes a character real) and ill add them to the character. the series isnt in the making yet but if you want, ill hit all of yall up when the story, plot, and characters are decided on
24 11,2020