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gyatterson high's answer (15)

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HORRIBLE. what jisoo doing there bro. And Ik dman well that fanservice gonna be diabolical   reply
15 days
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Like ..   3 reply
19 04,2024
Bj Alex bc phew!!! THE MC IS UGLY ASS HELL best believe I will nawt ever pick that up. And Love is illusion is boring as hell. BIG SNOOZEFEST. DONT SHOW ME THAT GOOfy SHIT AGAIN.   2 reply
30 01,2024
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Pretty men with LONG EYELASHES. Men like carcel from broken ring or Ash JONES from dtr   reply
05 04,2024
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Commiting suicide   reply
08 04,2024
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We r cooked I fear   reply
11 04,2024
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ones in da top 50   1 reply
25 days
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18 days
Mob psycho is up on there . I know its an anime but I really love how the story connects in this big circle and how the biggest antagonist was his own emotions. LIKEE I WAS RLLY MOVED ESP DURING REIGENS ARC TOO. One did a great job writing reigns depression &:8:$:83!: i miss that series sm.   reply
01 02,2024
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Hes literally me and i am him   reply
20 days
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Rude people like… especially in high school. You don't need to be acting like allat . I promise you no one gonna like you in the future if you act like that son.   reply
11 01,2024
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21 07,2023
IJBOL   reply
04 01,2024