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Parapila.'s question page 1 (49)

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about question
i have a question, how many people is there on mangago? i think it's weird, because sometimes i encounter the people i follow on other manga comments, so like...if there were that much, i would not see my friends?
28 01,2021
Only cis women plz, i want to make a poll for sexualities on mangago, cis men are next!
12 07,2021
This is a rant; no because y’all will scream all day long there is no woman in a gay relationships both are men, ‘´ end heteronormativity’´ And all that factual shit and then write bls where one of the dad is called mommy or mama guys homophobia is showing....stop being uncomfortable. ITS TWO DADS TWO DADS AND THEIR CHILDREN
18 04,2021
I have one right now. Why is it when it comes to f/m relationships or even f/f you guys will hate the manga if the mc abuse the woman or make her go through hell. But then when it’s killing stalking when its toxic m/m relationships its crickets. ? Now its hot? I hate yall, i truly do as a mlm, dont cry when the mc abuse the woman or etc in a manga if you love killing stalking, this isn’t anti fujo discourse btw (idk why yall think that when we call u out) im just trying to make the community better. Now you guys need to admit that , when f/m relationship yall hate it because you see yourself in it and so u use m/m toxic relationships as a way to escape society standards of women, which is disgusting, you guys need to do some healing fr
16 12,2020
Someone need to tell the girls that we don’t care if you read BL, like i don’t care. I don’t need you to remind me irl that you love killing stalking or that you want me to fxcxk another guy. Are you out of your mind?????
10 01,2021
Straight men take over mangago,

they found it through a dumb fujo that was recommending some shounen on tiktok, and who forgot to not show the site.

on march, 13th , 2022.

they attack. they come in the site, making troll posts, and a wave of homophobia hit us, they go to bls comment sections, and write 'gay' , 'it's disgusting' 'ewww '

The only positive aspect of this invasion, is that GL/yuri is going to blow up. however not in good ways.

Most of the site would turn into straight smutty mangas.

Straight women who were once the queens of the site. and the first fetishizers of their kind, were defeated by an army of horny straight boys fetishizing all wlw content in their paths, and insulting every mlm content.

they won. and we lost.

it's time to go, women and gay men.
it was nice while it lasted.
12 02,2021
I saw someone on tiktok say that gay men who call their ass bussy were misogynistic.
according to this person every BL male is sexist.
So drop a picture of your cancelled fav BL male
30 06,2021
Im tired of people telling me to pay what im reading, im a closeted gay teenage guy with a homophobic family, how am i suppose to pay for bl???
24 01,2021
i want to cry, i just saw the comments me and a girl exchanged, i talked abt mlm fetishization and it's clear she was sensitive :/ Bl was her happiness, and she deleted her account. it's been 5 months and i'm still crying over this, i would love for some of you to cheer me up!
11 06,2021
thinking about back in january/february when my ass was making famous post dragging fujoshis and creating new discourse
i'm an icon me thinks.
18 04,2021
Girls on here be like ´ i love psychological mangas lmaooo, im so not a faytish les be clur ´
And then the only psychological mangas they read is bl, just say u fetishize mlm and go, why dont u read psychological straight or gl love too?? Ohhh you dont like seeing yourself in it?? Poor you
Imagine how we feel.
Tired of yall
07 02,2021
about question
I LOVEEE IT, there is lgbtq rep ( mostly lesbian,bi, and trans) but today there was suble gay male rep and i'm so happy !!! (i'm gay guy)
19 03,2021
Who are the weakest links in the bl community , give ur opinions

for me it's cis white straight women who fetishize mlm
11 01,2021
i'm actually curious, i'm not here to judge you don't worry!
i just want to know why does GL (again romance GL not hentai) not interest you?

Btw wlw = queer women
10 06,2021
cis women are inherently mlm fetishizers, if you read BL, me a mlm has every right to think that you probably fetishize gay men or romanticize rape in m/m pairings

here are some red flags from a gay man who has been around the bl fandom for a year now.

- women on mangago who only read BL, or read BL more than 50% of the time.

- Women who use BL as a way to escape the male 'gaze' a lot of times they tend to project toxic behaviours in m/m pairings because it's okay since there is no woman in here, so they don't see themselves in the story

- straight women who say they hate yuri/gl

- cis women who wants me to be their gaybies/ask me personal questions ( top or bottom'

- women who use the ' nosebleed yaoi ' meme

- women who complain about a YURI/gl being written by a man, and then in the same breath loves BL/YAOI written by women.

- women who use the 'i'm lgbtq card' as a way to get away with fetishization.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
09 01,2021
You see 'one' gay men say
'BL IS GOOD, there is no rape in bl, no toxicity, it's pure, there is not sexual aspects, women can fetishize it , i'm okay with you shipping me with sangwoo'
and you guys be like
'omg king! thank u for not being like those fa- gay men!!'
'he did not lie, i'm tired of being told i only watch bl for the sexual or toxic aspect, anyways let me go watch and call killing stalking a bl!!!'
' i love u, plz marry me uke uwu ( ̄∇ ̄") '

did i lie?
26 01,2021
about question
btw i have nothing against straight girls but she kept calling me the f slur so i was mad and said that i apologize!
07 06,2021
about question
if you're a guy plz i'm a lonely boy, so if you're dude tell me so i can follow u
16 05,2021
about lmao
Being a fudanshi are so rare and it's not even funny like?
i can't relate with fujoshis so whenever i try to find fudanshi it's very rare
21 04,2021
about question
25 06,2021
How are you as a man ordering desserts?
25 06,2021