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Maple Tree's answer page 2 (589)

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thats not even considered sexualising them, tf they on about??? i hope the girl is okay edit: there are people saying the OP might not be telling us the whole story about the tiktok, which is possible. Nevertheless it doesn't warrant death threats. They should've patiently explained it to her.   reply
13 04,2021
alex from bj alex yahwi from yours to claim   1 reply
29 01,2021
dunno, but why would you want minors having sex anyways?   reply
18 04,2021
Maple Tree 09 03,2021
uhhhh yeah this i definitely a troll. theres no fucking way they misspelt Corona as Gay   1 reply
09 03,2021
that tik toker reading this rn be like   reply
10 02,2021
about question
Alternate advice, make posts about *why* certain behaviours and statements are harmful instead of going after people. Those would be more informative and more worthy of your research, which you seem to be good at. The people on this website are mostly kids, and "cancelling" them could take a toll on their mental health. It just seems a bit extreme......   reply
07 06,2021
the name itself says that by being attracted to ONLY cis women (or men) you are more straight. it implies that a trans women is less of a woman than a cis woman like PLEASE, these people are just jealous that they aren't in the LGBTQ+ community   reply
11 04,2021
who doesn't simp for him   3 reply
10 04,2021
Maple Tree 09 04,2021
Yeah like, he *just* raped Jooin nothing much :D BUT CAIN IS SUPER SUS AMIRITE. we can't trust him. he'll hurt Jooin. not as much a Yahwi did, but anyways #TeamYahwi   3 reply
09 04,2021
Maple Tree 12 06,2021
Conservative people say that?   1 reply
12 06,2021
when you mentioned posture i felt attacked   1 reply
08 04,2021
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"Korean/Japanese/Chinese boys and girls, and any other genders" just wanted to say, im indian :) imma fuck off since u only care about them :'(   3 reply
25 01,2021
Maple Tree 06 03,2021
is that literally what the picrew is titled idk what language this is in or if translations are accurate, but i just wanted to say- dont automatically associate feminine men with gay bottoms. you're inserting heteronormative dynamics into your perception of gay relationships. the picrew itself good though, u can make girls, guys or androgynous ch......   2 reply
06 03,2021
3.5/5 bc the stuff on here is good but • questionable content • the glitches (issues with commenting) also, so many fetishists have fucking ruined my experience, but cant blame the devs for who uses the platform but hey, its free edit: OH OH OH and wtf is wrong with the lenny faces? they come out so weird. that needs to be fixed please, mang......   reply
25 01,2021
Maple Tree 07 02,2021
whats the context, im confused   reply
07 02,2021
some of yall need to be handcuffed and led out omg   1 reply
06 02,2021
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I WAS JUST WATCHING D'ANGELOS VIDEO ABOUT IT and shes a not a very good host, please   1 reply
12 04,2021
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i see what sangwoo did   reply
02 02,2021
about question
Your brother was a manipulative asshole for what he did. You were even bigger of an asshole. And poor Nathan got roped into all of this shit. Ngl you sound a bit too obsessive over him. You could have just punched your brother or sth, being homophobic wasn't the way.   reply
10 06,2021