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bishounensupremacy's answer page 1 (348)

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about question
please don't post your face on an illegal gay manga site   3 reply
26 02,2024
it's not your responsibility to be anyone's unpaid therapist. if someone is threathening suicide they're being manipulative you're allowed to block them. you don't have to be around someone who constantly pities themselves and spreads negativity. you're not a bad person for protecting your own mental health   5 reply
18 01,2024
'green flag' ml whose whole purpose is to worship the ground fl walks on no friends no goals no hobbies the only thing we know about him is that he has mommy/daddy issues (just so fl can be the one to 'save' him) and muscles like are you sure he is alive   5 reply
4 days
waiting all by yourself in the middle of nowhere for your family to come back and take you only to realize they have been dead for years   5 reply
21 days
about question
??they exist and they dont need your support to continue existing   reply
28 04,2024
about lmao
Japan had a human experimentation unit that they disguised as a regular biological research facility in WW2. They refered to the people they experimented on (including men, women, children and infants born out of forced impregnation during 'research') as logs. They did horrible stuff for shits and giggles like attaching someone's limb to the oppos......   10 reply
17 days
my first thought was a man bc id like to believe most human beings have empathy but then i remembered that one 17 yo girl who managed to escape elan school only to get raped and murdered by a trucker while hitchhiking. im not risking going through things worse than death   1 reply
15 04,2024
19 days was so good until jian yi and zheng xi turned into side characters   6 reply
26 04,2024
about question
ik half the replies are gonna be bland ass takes like "the romanticization of rape in manga is bad!!!!" like we haven't been saying this since beginning of time. just bc one or two dumbasses have a habit of publicly announcing their weird kink doesn't mean not liking SA is unpopular or problematic   3 reply
08 04,2024
about question
alpha x omega is boring as hell like wow you guys fell in love bc you have magic genes that literally force you to be attracted to each other and wanna fuck?? true love   3 reply
25 days
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i think 'people are fucking weird for judging others based on what their name is' and 'you should not give your child a name they are most likely going to get bullied for' can coexist   1 reply
18 04,2024
22 02,2024
do you have an inferiority complex or smth   1 reply
22 02,2024
about question
oh woww youre so different! all of them are almost 30 sis   1 reply
06 05,2024
i feel like the pubic hair post should count as a historical milestone as well   3 reply
2 days
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i had a crush on this one guy for 3 years and then in our last year of middle school my friend started liking him so she asked me to be the matchmaker in high school i liked another guy for 3 years, turns out another friend started dating him two weeks ago without knowing i liked him. was super pissed but kinda went "oh well u didnt know its ok" ......   7 reply
28 03,2024
about question
once in a while i'll skim through this to check if some of the unhinged stuff rly happened or am i just making it up (they did indeed happen) literally felt like i was high while reading this, pretty sure the author was too cause what the fuck   11 reply
10 03,2024
about question
i don't think sexual harassment counts as exposure therapy   5 reply
19 days
about question
asking for suicide advice on a gay manga site is certainly new. if one thing goes wrong you're gonna end up crippled in a hospital, the risk isn't worth it   reply
25 01,2024
i think the majority of ppl who enjoy bully x bullied are those who have/had dysfunctional relationships and want to believe its possible for an abusive person to be fixed. the redemption arc makes u go "oh so even if they've been an asshole this whole time there's goodness inside them" and thats comforting but its not always true irl (thats also w......   3 reply
24 01,2024