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bishounensupremacy's answer page 3 (348)

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ouji fashion for sure   3 reply
25 01,2024
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i love big boobs when they're attached to someone else's body. having to bear the constant back pain would be terrible too but getting sexualized no matter what you wear is a literal nightmare i have so much respect for big boob havers   1 reply
08 04,2024
i physically cannot be around ppl who constantly complain and vent like okay ur miserable and everything sucks but let me breathe. talking about how terrible life is every 5 minutes when youre doing nothing to change it is not going to make you happier just annoying as hell to be around. this and the ppl who make you feel dumb for being excited abt......   2 reply
27 04,2024
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latest to earliest from my art account (there's not rly a lot of time between them cus i quit digital art in like 2 months)   5 reply
09 02,2024
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its great that they're finally being held accountable for being ignorant fucks but even if there were no genocide at least %80 of celebrities do not deserve the fame and influence they have in the first place. like why are we keeping these boring white bread ass people relevant? even if it doesn't change anything im glad people are slowly waking up......   1 reply
28 days
not sure how the ppl on the list feel abt this but i like the drama   reply
09 02,2024
this question has been asked in 2018 where the hell do yall dig this shit up i guess its better than the crusty cum thread   1 reply
13 03,2024
there's this really cool bible app called grindr   1 reply
19 01,2024
try reading a book anywhere other than a cafe or library they look at you like youre a pretentious loser who has no friends lol   1 reply
17 10,2023
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all my fav middle school shoujo manga aged like milk but he alone stands   1 reply
19 days
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honestly thought they were funny until they started talking about palestine. either a shit person or very very mentally ill   1 reply
24 days
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their definition of a horror manga probably   2 reply
27 02,2024
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like...   7 reply
4 days
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yarichin bitch club. i don't normally enjoy love triangles but not only the love interests relationship with the MC but their relationship w each other is written really well, there is potential for some of the side couples too. people don't realize it's decent bc the author has a habit of cutting straight to the sex whenever it gets interesting   18 reply
6 days
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the people who are obsessed with romantic relationships are usually the ones who do not have other support systems in the first place. abusive parents, social anxiety, touch starvation etc. i doubt someone who grew up in a loving home, has good friends and is mentally healthy would be that desperate for a relationship. like yeah i can technically l......   1 reply
11 04,2024
it's not that hard to make photorealistic panels imo what matters the most in manga art is how good the artist is at expressing complex emotions through their work. i have to be able to understand the mental state the characters are in before needing to read the dialogue   3 reply
17 days
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i didn't know yahwi had a mangago account lmao   1 reply
26 02,2024
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if you're a minor they hit on you. hope this helps!!   reply
29 03,2024
i do not dream of labor but being a coffee shop owner sounds nice   reply
16 days
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i basically killed my social anxiety by purposefully putting myself in uncomfortable situations over and over again   1 reply
7 days