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lukewarn_piss's answer (9)

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this is so embarrassing omg. also "level of rape and assaulters + victims increasing by a lot" is mostly due to the fact that people are more willing to actually report assault in this day and age. it's people like you, who thought their opinions were facts and therefore logical enough to justify crimes, who were in the majority back then and that'......   reply
19 08,2023
how to get vip on moviestarplanet for free   reply
20 01,2021
17 06,2021
tbh i never read y/n, but like. all examples of y/ns that ive read are always so descriptive with blue eyes and blonde hair and im like,,, "im asian ️"   1 reply
17 06,2021
orange juice that's not too warm but not cold at all   reply
09 06,2021
about question
WAIT YEAH i swear ure right . like i feel like theres definitely a double standard towards a helpful girl vs a helpful boy, especially if they show admiration or a competitive nature towards a male MC. like i get that a lot of the double standard comes from the fact that girls in this genre are written like dogshit and they often end up with an unn......   3 reply
15 08,2023 i think about this video a lot, as well as its comment section and when someone said "if the multiverse theory exists, that means this happened somewhere"   reply
18 01,2021
about question
take a picture each time it happens. print it out and tape it on the bathroom mirror with their name in black marker labeled on the bottom. if they confront you, record what they say and make sure to get in clarification that theyre the ones at fault and that really is their shit. then say if they keep doing shit like this, you'll start sending......   reply
10 09,2023
imo, i think it depends on the ppl in the relationship, though i'd be cautious given how young she is? but tbh, i do personally hold precautionary thoughts for ppl who's had experience as an adult + setting up their life and career, interacting with someone who just came out of high school and was *literally* just legally a kid. like they're in su......   reply
23 01,2021
hereditary fucked me over in a meta way. it left me thinking u know   reply
08 07,2021