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TheSuperBunny's answer page 3 (614)

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I haven't stopped reading BL completely, but in the past I used to consume larger amounts of it than I do now. Some of the reasons for that may be: developing standards, already reading all the good ones, not finding anything good, getting sick of repeated plots, etc.   2 reply
08 03,2024
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People who use the term "yaoi" to refer to BL, especially if it's Korean BL People using seme and uke (or top and bottom) instead of any other defining characteristics People dying to know who's the top and who's the bottom if the couple haven't had sex Fetishizers in general   3 reply
17 11,2023
They're weird af Oh you like bl? JUST SAY YOU LIKE BL Calling yourself a fujoshi is literally saying that you fetishize gay men. People saying that the fetishization of gay men isn't real are part of the problem and 90% of the time are self proclaimed fujoshi Also, every fujoshi I've interacted with was homophobic and transphobic   1 reply
20 03,2024
Definitely Banana Fish, especially if I don't know what's gonna happen beforehand   1 reply
05 02,2024
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Transphobia. I read a lot of Yankee/delinquent manga, no matter how bad they're, and I started reading one called chiku bingo and it felt so transphobic and made me so uncomfortable   2 reply
30 04,2024
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Not only did you just reveal your age as a minor on an illegal porn site, you're also young af to be using it (and interacting with people here)   1 reply
16 02,2024
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I used to get closed in a room in kindergarten every time I cried I can't enter dark rooms.   1 reply
20 03,2024
Why're you revealing your age as a minor on an illegal porn site   reply
01 03,2024
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Having an official meeting with my country's president It was for trans visibility day   1 reply
12 01,2024
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Yes bro-   reply
06 01,2024
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How do we fight about something not controversial? I love pineapple on pizza.   5 reply
10 12,2023
They already know that I'm a degenerate   reply
12 11,2023
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The rape of Nanking Unit 731 You know it's bad when even the nazis didn't like it   reply
16 04,2024
Repetitive questions that are posted about twice a week   reply
25 03,2024
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31 03,2024
What did Bitch I'm Up do this time?   6 reply
31 03,2024
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Junji Itou is boring and not scary   4 reply
23 11,2023
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TERF   reply
05 02,2024