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ratty's answer page 1 (39)

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bnha. i dont completely despise it but its just eh and the fanbase is so shit.   3 reply
10 03,2021
i walk to the fridge and back   reply
15 07,2021
about question
people who obsess over yaoi and yuri are weird. if u get off to either and ur straight yikes. #-.-)   6 reply
21 02,2021
i just do it unconsciously ngl just spit that stuff out or something i dont even know LMAO   reply
17 05,2021
whos the person fighting over milfs vs dilfs with me LMAOO   2 reply
19 06,2021
10 07,2021
a gf   reply
10 07,2021
THERRE ARE 28 OF YOU ON HERE. WHAT. whoever the dsmp clear skin persopn is why. literally just why. okay im turning it off for now because some of you wont stop saying fucked up shit anbout r@ping babies.   reply
19 06,2021
(annoying) mcyt fans hello. i wouldnt consider myself an actual fan ig bc like im not caught up and shit and dont really care that much about the dream smp members or whatever BUT some of you guys are so annoying. literally shut up. you talk about dream smp 24/7 like its your only personality trait. and when a content creator does something wron......   1 reply
04 04,2021
fujoshis. shits nasty, idgaf if you read bl thats fine but if u read yaoi exclusively and get off to it its fetishizing   1 reply
07 03,2021
about lgbt
majority of the dream smp yts   reply
14 05,2021
I don't really read about mlm relationships often but if anyone wants a wholesome and cute story I'd recommend 'Dress Him Up' its only 24 chapters but its super good :)   reply
05 04,2021
21 04,2021
microwaved frozen food from my experience LMAO   reply
21 04,2021
people fetishizing gay men and lesbians. n yes im talking abt people on this site aswell :|   reply
19 04,2021
eyebags. that is all, thank you for your time.   reply
18 04,2021
about question
unless its official art, then yea adjusting it is disrespectful to the artist. but if the artist intentionally whitewashed a character then thats a different story   reply
03 07,2021
finally some sane people on this website omg. and its always the 12 year old straight girls who make loving mlm relationships their entire personality too. yea we get it, you're a fetishizer.   reply
04 04,2021
about question
09 07,2021
yea i mean my parents never did either, i had internet access from a young age and kinda just figured it out myself. I'd say its normal enough, although its definitely better for people ot teach their kids about this stuff in general, just incase they don't learn it themselves.   reply
09 07,2021