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eatmyass's answer page 6 (118)

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21 07,2021
barking because lady d wanted a pet   reply
21 07,2021
tumblr. i was looking for the next chapters of Getting To Know Grace and next thing i knew i've fallen into this dark abyss called mangago   reply
08 06,2021
about question
i like school but not like academically. like its the only place i get to hang out with my my friend coz im not allowed to go outside for some reason. we'd always run around the corridors and do shit like vandalize the walls and stuff. i remember he would always make a ball out of tape and papers and we'd throw it around like we're playing softball......   reply
21 07,2021
interacting with ppl, mangas, mangago tea   reply
21 04,2021
about question
punch something ¯_(ツ)_/¯   reply
12 11,2023
panromantic asexual but like still figuring it out i guess   1 reply
26 12,2020
today i saw a video about (i saw it very graphically) police with his daughter (who looked like she was just 12 or 14 or something) SHOOT and UNARMED OLD LADY WITH HER SON IN THE HEAD because the police's kid felt insulted because the kid was screaming, "MY FATHER IS A POLICEMAN!!!" but the old lady screamed back at her, "I DON"T CARE!" then BANG! ......   7 reply
21 12,2020
so funny story im overweight (was?) (also not shaming plus size ppl) So at the start of quarantine i was worried i would get even fatter then a few moths may be in july or something i had a dream; i was walking but then i stumbled but i couldn't stand back up. so i woke up, told myself that i need to lose weight. firsti cut my food portions by hal......   1 reply
27 01,2021
whenever my mom calls my name like fr tht makes me so nervous and my heart beats really fast   reply
26 06,2021
26 06,2021
atla, tlok, and shera that shit slaps   reply
26 06,2021
14 07,2021
no thanks i'd rather be railed by them (lady d art by annasassiart)   1 reply
14 07,2021
about question
....aaaaaaaand the nasty questions are back   reply
19 07,2023
rice is everywhere homophobia racism ableism overly fucking religious sexism   1 reply
13 03,2021