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Dianxia's answer page 5 (98)

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Black coffee with sugar. That's it.   reply
28 10,2023
about question
Uhh I think this could be considered as gap moe on my part? Lol   reply
08 10,2023
Tbh, I really don't know, I'm a little lost right now, still figuring out what I really like to do with my life, or should I say... finding the right place and time in which I could make use of my capabilities as an individual. Though I really hope I could find it anytime cuz I feel like I'm running out of time... ○_○   reply
31 08,2023
31 08,2023
Fictional by Khloe Rose. That's my answer. 《^_   reply
31 08,2023
For sure I'll go out there as a bystander and will go simping over dudes with their partners and if ever my top(I'm pretty sure I'll be bottom since that's the common when you got reincarnated(⌒▽⌒)) will come, I think I'll be a aloof bot who will evenly keep running from him hahahaha I prefer watching over than be 'me' in the spot soo... ╮(......   1 reply
01 10,2023
about question
Yow dude I like being single but I'll say yes immediately if this guy(myself lol) will court me like dang boy he's...   reply
31 08,2023
about lmao
Euphoria by Jungkook   reply
26 10,2023
about question
You should ask yourself first if you really want to study this time or not cuz if you're not, trust me, it won't register in your mind even dozen of times you read that modules/readings/lessons you needed to study/memorize. But very effective way(for me, hopes it works on you too) to do it is by organizing your subjects you need to study, in which ......   reply
31 08,2023
The cold guy x meek girl dynamic Boy is kinda possessive(she's mine kinda vibe) when it comes to his girl and ofcourse this poor girl is too scared with him heheh I really like the moe in this type of dynamic ( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
30 09,2023
Samedt then what's worse is like after all those ass*lts and b*llshits the top has done to bot, in the end, they still end up together like (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ DUDE ARE YOU BLIND   1 reply
01 10,2023
They'll definitely simp for him too   reply
08 11,2023
Dianxia 31 08,2023
31 08,2023
You can read anything you want girl, reading something doesn't require what sexual orientation you have just read what you want to read ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
08 11,2023
How I wish I could get reincarnated with this face(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   reply
02 10,2023
about lgbt
70/30. I mostly hate them but the 30% remains since they're cute, just don't let them come near me, I can look at them from afar so just KEEP THE BABY AWAY FROM ME.   reply
09 10,2023
about question
BL/yaoi tops are mostly in business field since they need to be powerful enough to you know, 'manipulate' (somethin like that) the bots and the CEO title and tycoon have that impact that you'll go 'woah' hahhaha When it comes to wattpad stories, (if you're familar with it) yes, archi. and engr are commonly use in terms with male lead's professiona......   reply
20 10,2023
Hmm... let see... it's when a guy even just by sitting like, literally doing nothing can exude a calm atmosphere around him to the point you'll just end up staring at him peacefully. I really like to find that kind of someone hahaha(▰˘◡˘▰)   reply
05 10,2023